The Work Of Fate

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"woah, you? The hospital?" He said, walking closer and throwing his arm around Tommy's shoulders. "Yep, I know, shocker." Tommy said lightly, but ask the two began to advance toward the podium, Tommy felt the nerves truly kick in. He tried to distract himself with small talk.

"So, how long you been running this country?" Tommy asked, actually curious, "around a year or so. Wilbur held a fair election and I won. He used to rule this place before I did. What have you been doing all these years, huh?" He asked, glancing over at Tommy before back to the ever approaching podium entrance. "Working as a...well, for lack of a better term, nurse." He said, shrugging. Schlatt merely nodded.

"So, you mentioned Wilbur?" Tommy asked, and schlatt smiled. "Yeah, it was great to see him, he held the election and when he announced who won, he bowed and stepped away."

{A/N: here are some things I forgot to mention last time!:

•No wars happened. The reason l'manburg wasn't affected by war was because wilbur talked to dream about creating a country, but wouldn't do so without his permission. Dream allowed it.

•Tommy doesn't know who tubbo is, tubbo doesn't know who Tommy is, ranboo does know who tubbo is,
But not Tommy.

•Sally is alive and well, because in my au she was killed during the war for independence. No war, no death.

•Every other person in the SMP besides Phil, Wilbur and techno have no idea who Tommy is.

•Slimecicle is here, but I only hint at him and locations. You'd have to work them out yourselfs.

Alright, back to the story now}

Once they were directly infront or the podium entrance, schlatt told Tommy to wait for his signal to walk on, promising no one would laugh.

He heard schlatt's voice but louder, as he was most definitely speaking through a microphone, "citizens of l'manburg, As you know we have a visitor. Some of you know this visitor personally, others only heard. Please welcome..." He said, and gestured for Tommy to come on stage, Tommy skated on stage as he began to speak, "Tommyinnit!"

Audible gasps were heard, Wilbur even shouting out a "toms?!" Before running onto the podium and grabbing Tommy, pulling him into a bone- crushing hug. He heard Wilbur begin to cry, probably out of joy.

Others watched the scene unfold, their former president crumbling at the sight of his younger brother. Tommy patted his back, saying a small "I missed you too, wilby."

Schlatt smiled warmly at them, even as Wilbur broke away. Wilbur flushed with embarrassment, looking at the ground as he backed away, but occasionally glancing at Tommy.

Schlatt turned back to the microphone, speaking yet again.

{A/N: I'm up town right now, so uhhh.... Screw it, timeskip!}

By now, Tommy had patients from all over the SMP, from actual people to pets. It was quiet cute when he saw techno, the title of 'blood god', rush in holding his pet dog and screaming at Tommy "I think he's dying but I don't know help me i can't lose him he's part of the pack please Tommy help-" really quickly. Turns out, the dog just broke their leg and needed it relined.

There were some sad cases, of course, where tommy would have to say the owner would have to come back tomorrow to see of their pet was alright. Because as of yet no people had to die.

In the dead of night, he'd slip to their room, and administrate the injection that quickly and painlessly killed them. Lying to the owners and saying they passed away in the night even with everything Tommy did was the hardest part.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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