Prison Au

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The cell had been... upgraded. now, the three were surrounded with obsidian blocks, lava at the entrance and some netherite blocks that went up when they had a visitor (which was only ever sam, they hadn't had anyone else)

Techno sighed, back against the wall of the far corner, directly facing the lava. He'd get out soon, but he couldn't take Tommy, or dream. He began to write it down in a book, explaining to them. Once he was happy with it, he signed it.

He hid the book, and joined in with the discussion dream and Tommy were having about the outside world. "Yeah, but flower fields-" dream was saying, "suck, the best place is somewhere woth more laid out space-" Tommy argued.

"Actually, the best place is the snowy tundra, not only does it give you lots of laid out space, but it's peaceful and quiet. It also means that if you live with someone you can bond with them. Snow fights are always fun when everyone is in the mood." He concluded, and both Tommy and dream stared at him.

"That's the longest you've spoken in a week, holy shit!" Tommy threw his hands in the air, still looking at techno bewildered.

Techno shrugged, "i'm not a big fan of talking, but I will where it's needed." He said, and dream and Tommy calmed.

"Boys, stand back. I'm going to come across." Sam said, and the three shuffled away from the netherite bricks that sprung up moments later. "Glad my legs weren't caught in that." Tommy muttered, and techno nodded. Sam was standing on the bridge, signalling to the other guard to send him across.

Once Sam was in front of the bricks, he smiled "how are you three today?" He asked, the lava sinking and bridge moving back. "Sam, the-" Tommy began, but then the bricks sunk down, cutting Tommy off. "I have decided, instead of just bringing you food, I'm be your visitor!" He said happily, sitting cross-legged on the floor opposite the three.

"So...we could hug you if we wanted?" Tommy asked, and Sam nodded. "I took all armour, weapons and anything to harm away from myself, so I can't harm you. I also brought some nice food for you all!" Sam placed three potatoes, three carrots and three apples in front of himself, waving his hand across it once in the right direction.

"Take your pick of the food, I brought three incase-" he said, but the trio lunged for their respective items. Tommy was eating like he hadn't for eight years, dream calmly munching on apple's, but with a sense of emergency and techno cradled the other two potatoes as he ate one. " share..." Sam finishes.

"Fanks sam!" Tommy says, but his mouth is full so it sounds weird. "Yeah, thank you." Dream adds, carefully biting his apple. Techno looks from his potato, to Sam, and back again. "Listen, this doesn't mean anything. My heart isn't warmed at all, okay. It doesn't mean anything." Techno says bitterly, but San sees the heart warmed look in his eyes, showing he is very greatful.

Eventually, sam had to go, but promised to back back soon enough.

And then, the trio fell asleep, stomachs full and happy.


A/N: I hate the ending, but here! Something before I go to school.


Word count:
567 words!

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