Yandere Au

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{A/N:can't believe I have to say this,but this is all platonic!I am not shipping anyone in this fic,so please do not think i am!also,shroud has not been adopted yet.}

(Tw:mentions of drugging,k!dnapp!ng,swearing and death)

Tommy's POV:

As I enter my home,I notice a letter on the table.it was from tubbo over at snowchester?what would he need to write a letter to me for,he could just come visit!unless he was busy?I rip open the top of the envelope,sitting down in my office with pen and paper at the ready.as I read,I feel happier by the minute.until I reach the end.

Dear Tommy,

It's been forever,and I'm sorry I'm not there in person to tell you this,but would you consider living with me?I know it's random to ask,but this way we can talk all the time!

Ranboo and I would love to have you around the house,and-

Tommy stopped reading,rage building as he looked at the name he'd read.ranboo.prime,he didn't like ranboo.he stole his best friend!he sighed,realising he was crinkling the paper with how hard he'd clenched it.he forced himself to keep reading,no matter how much he wanted to burn the letter.

Ranboo and i would love to have you around the house,and we just want what's best for you.living so far from us is dangerous,we can't keep an eye on you.

I know you aren't a child,but many people are out to hurt you.maybe you could come for dinner to discuss it with us?it would help me-us sleep at night.

Brotherly love,

Big T

I sigh,and begin to writey letter back.as much as living with tubbo is awesome,I'd just feel like a third wheel.i don't wanna intrude on their happy ending,and I'm more worried I'd put them more in danger by being there.once I'd wrote a reply I was Happy with,I put it in an envelope and addressed it,giving it to a crow to deliver.

Dear tubs,

I'd love to live with you,but the risk of you getting hurt is too much.i'm sorry,I can't,but I'll still come for dinner?I'll send more letters if that helps,but I really can't.puffy's therapy place is already far from my current home,and just weigh you down.

I'll be round to visit next week,hope you and ranboo are well!

Also,how's Micheal?I have some gifts for him,I hope he's okay.

I have to go do big man shit now,big T,you know how it be.

Brotherly love,

Big Man Tommy

With that,I went off to bed,thoroughly tired.tubbo knows that the 'big man shit' I do this late is go to bed,so hopefully he'll take care of crowbee,my pet crow Phil gave me when I first called him dad.

Exhausted,I flop onto my bed and fall fast asleep.

Third person POV:

When Tommy awoke,he was tied to a...chair?was he tied to a chair right now?he couldn't tell,as there was a thick dark blindfold covering his eyes.he heard quiet murmurs of people,and if he wasn't mistaken it was only two.he decided he'd just get this whole murder attempt thing over with,and spoke up."hey!listen,let me go right fucking now,or I'll kill you."he said,bluffing.he could kill someone,but he didn't like to if he didn't have to.

The two voices silenced,one moving closer.again,this was all assumed as he couldn't see.then,one spoke in a very familiar voice."toms,stay calm,your fine."said the familiar voice,punctuating the last bit."t-tubbo?"he said,unsure of his own voice."yes,it's me big man.i told you we just wanted to keep you close."tubbo said,and he sounded so admiring of Tommy that he shivered unnoticibly."w-we?"Tommy said,and resented the fact he stuttered."yes,me and ranboo."if tubbo noticed he'd stuttered,he didn't mention it.

"Toms,stay with us.please.we hate seeing you like this,but we have to know you'll stay."ranboo's voice piped up,and then silence.tommy turned it all over in his mind.really,what did he have to go back to?he was being offered a home,protection,and free food.his sighed,before nodding."ok,ok.i'll stay.i promise I won't leave,honest."he said,and the blindfold was taken off.he adjusted his eyes to the dim light of the duo's bedroom,curtains drawn and door closed,lights off and the bed possibly behind them,Tommy couldn't turn his head and see as he was focused on the pair in front.

They were staring at him,burning holes into his face as he recognised euphoria and glee glinting in their eyes,tubbo a little from him and ranboo further behind tubbo.tommy's bound hands hit the chair a little,signalling they were yet to untie him,which they did hastily."ok,you aren't to leave this bedroom until one of us is with you and said we can go,the bathroom is there-"tubbo pointed at a door that stood adjar,the room beyond in view.tommy nodded,and then had a question he needed answered."what about when I need to eat,and drink?"Tommy said,and ranboo gasped.

"Oh,that's easy to answer Tommy,we'll bring you them.breakfasts in bed,Micheal will come and see you,just you wait,it'll be great!"ranboo said,clapping his hands.they untie him,and move back to let him stand."you should go to bed."tubbo says,but Tommy had one final question."how did you guys get me here?I would've woken up,I'm a light sleeper,tubbo knows this."Tommy says,and tubbo sighs."well,we had this...drug.it was one for sleeping,you might of heard of it.chloraform ring a bell?"he said,and tommy nodded before understanding.

"You drugged and kidnapped me,huh?"he said,and the duo looked off to the side."don't...say it like that."ranboo says,looking guilty."it makes us feel bad,we just wanna protect you."the Oreo boy said,and tubbo nodded.tommy got into the silky white sheets,nodding before going into a drowsy state."that's nice...now lemme sleep."he said,yawning.the bed was so comfy,and he was so tired.the pair nodded,moving the chair to the side and ranboo whispered a 'good night' to him,but he was already in sleep's grasps,snoring softly.

The two smiled fondly at Tommy,before shifting off through a door the other side of Tommy's bed to their own bedroom,where they went to sleep fairly quickly.

What they didn't know was that Tommy was actually still awake,and turning today's events over in his mind in the darkness of his room.he grew tired,and actually feel asleep.

Tomorrow was a day to get more answers,but for now,rest.

And rest he did.

A/N:reminder,this is all platonic!if you ship them,which I doubt many of you do,but still,please stay away from me.

Now that's over,I hope you enjoyed this chapter!it was fun for me to make,and I really enjoyed trying to portray how tubbo and ranboo felt about Tommy in this AU,and maybe projecting my own attachment issues onto the bee duo.

Anyway,have a great day/night and I'll see you next upload!


Word count:
1257 words!

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