Adoption AU

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{Tw:mentions of neglect,abuse,mention of bullying and swearing}

{A/N;please tell me of I missed a warning that should be there,thank you!}

Third person POV:

Tommy and Wilbur had been in the foster care system for..a while.they met at the orphanage,after fifteen year old tommy accidentally bumped into sixteen year old wilbur.wil took Tommy's hand after seeing he was hurt and dragged him into his room.a few moments later,however,they heard kids calling out Tommy's name and saying it "would only hurt a little".

When wilbur had cleaned the cuts and asked,Tommy explained he was getting chased and beaten by the kids.after that,the two became inseparable.They had suffered through a lot,even bad homes,but they were still with each other,and it only made then more dependent on the other.then,a blonde man with darker blue eyes than Tommy walked in and glanced at the two.

Wilbur was holding Tommy close,hugging his brother as he was asleep and was about to go to sleep himself when the man walked in.wilbur decided to call him 'blondie'.he hoped blondie would just take one of the kids and leave him and his brother.but blondie pointed to Tommy and the caretaker person nodded.well,Wilbur woke up Tommy and told him what was happening and they scrambled to their room.

Tommy wouldn't leave without Wilbur,and Wilbur wouldn't leave without tommy.the kids here were dicks anyway.they sat and talked,and Wilbur offered to play the guitar to calm Tommy's nerves,who agreed.picking it up,he began strumming the chords to a recently-completed song Wilbur made,and began singing.

"Life isn't quite what I thought it'd be,when I was a kid on VOIP I thought when I get older,I'd marry her,I told I'm 26 and I work in an office,nine till five's not the best,I'll be honest.if I could change a single thing,I'd make it me and not him...but he's in your bed and I'm in you twitch chat!"Wilbur sang,strumming along in great time.tommy clapped in time and sang along."I've got the key and he's just a doormat!"they sang together.the orphanage liked when they sang because the songs themesleves were very good,and they were good singers.

"And even though he's got social skills,that doesn't mean I can't pay the bills,anyway make the most of him cause she moves bloody quick oh,your new boyfriends and arsehole.woo!"they sang and Wilbur strummed a bit quicker,but it matched the song well.theu heard clapping from the door frame and turned instantly,Wilbur stopping playing the guitar and Tommy wide eyed.wilbut moved closer to Tommy upon seeing it was blondie,and stood in front of tommy,staring him down.

Blondie smiled,looking less menacing than he had when wilbur had first saw him,but neither Tommy nor Wilbur dropped their guard.they'd been in homes were they seem nice,but are time,they were forced into a cupboard as a room for was about as comfortable as you'd expect."that was great!"blondie said,and Wilbur snarled,Tommy trying not to cry as he sat closer to Wilbur,hiding behind him.

---(Wilbur's POV)---

"You aren't taking tommy."I say,the hatred for this man rising."you'll have to rip him from my cold dead body before I give him over."I snarl at him,putting my arms out to shield Tommy.blondie looked suprised,and shakes his head."I'm not taking tommy"he says,and my eyes widen.i back up a little,Tommy moving back as well."you aren't taking me,either."I say,fear coursing through me and I hate how it showed in my sentence.

I feel Tommy hold the fabric of my yellow jumper,and it hurts that I can't comfort arms are stuck out,protecting Tommy."I'm not taking you either.i'm taking you both."blondie says,and smiles softly.both me and Tommy are wary,but he says he'll leave us to pack in peace before leaving."well,toms,guess we hsve to pack our shit again,huh?"I say,and turn to him.despite my joking tone,I see how scared Tommy is.he doesn't want a new home,that much I can tell already.i hug him as he stood in shock.

"Hey,hey,we'll be okay.i plan to put up a fight this time."I say,and tommy looks at me.he doesn't want to cry,but he can't help himself.tommy burrows himself closer to me as a broken sob escapes him,and I rub his back."there there,let it all out..."I say,and Tommy does.after a minute,he pulls back and clears his tears,before grabbing his suitcase and packing his things.he does this in silence,so I decide to try and crack jokes to make him laugh.

---(Tommy's POV)---

"I had to sell my hoover today"I hear Wilbur say,and I turn to him in question."it was just collecting dust"he said,and I laughed,saying a quick "that was so bad,wilby" before continuing to pack.i decide I should make Wilbur laugh,as he's suffering with this new information as well."should I take Lizzie with me?"I ask,and Wilbur chuckles,looking at me."what?"he asks,trying to stifle his laughter."should I take Lizzie with us.y'know,for good luck."I say,and Wilbur laughs."sure,sure bring Lizzie"he says.

I take the poster off of the wall and roll it up,putting it in my suitcase."well,now that my beloved is safe-"I say,and Wilbur cackles at me."who's your beloved?"he asks,and I gesture to the rolled up poster I out away."Lizzie,my beloved."I say,and smile.he laughs again,and hugs me."you're way to funny for your own good,toms."he says,and finsihed packing.he slings his guitar case over his shoulder,and I quickly add my disk lights(they're mellohi and cat,the only two disks I like),my cow stuffie(his name is Henry,and he helps me sleep at night.solbur doesn't laugh at me for having him),and a beanie Wilbur have me before zipping it up.

As we leave the room,I feel like it was necessary to ask Wilbur "did you get friend?".he chuckles,and gestures to his suitcase."yep."he says,and as I was about to ask him another question he talks again."I also have the l'manburg flag and suits,as well as the netherite swords and books."he says,and I smile."what did you grab?"he asks,as we approach the stairs leading to where blondie is(Wilbur told me to call him that,as he does)."my disk lights,Henry,shroud,the cool glasses,the book with the history of l'manburg and the declaration of independence"I say,and he smiles,fist bumping me.

We make our way down the stairs,and our joking mood dies out as we see blondie,smiling and waiting with a child with subtle pink hair(the boy was looking away,must've been awkward)and smiling,looking at us happily.i sense Wilbur tense up,and I stand closer to him.he relaxes a little.

"Well then,ready to go?"he and Wilbur look at each other,then back at him.wilbur nods,and I stand closer to Wilbur,so close I can feel his body heat radiating off of him.i hold onto his arm,and we follow the man and pink boy out to his car.

I hope this home is different to the rest.

A/N:heyo!so I got this idea from a fic I read,but it was a little bit ago and I can't remember the fic name.anyway,I hope you enjoyed this as I plan on making more parts on this AU,so if it's well liked I could turn it into it's own book?

Anyway,bye and thank you for reading,having a good day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!


Word count:
1352 words!

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