Techno's Birthday Present

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{Tw:angst,swearing,mention of su!€!d¢}

Today was techno's birthday, and he was blowing out the candles on his cake.

"Oops, you missed one, now your wish can't come true." Tommy said, jokingly. "Luck for you, cause I wished you were dead." Philza and wil didn't seem to take it seriously, not like tommy. As Tommy walked away, he smiled sadly. "Your wish will become true soon enough..." He muttered, heading to his room. Guess that old rope was finally going to be useful, huh?

Techno was joking around with Phil and Wilbur when he noticed a paper, laying on the ground. It was addressed to...him?

Dear techno,

Please come to my room, as I have some gifts and things for you there!:D

Brotherly love,

Techno shrugged, showing off the paper to the other two before they made their way up stairs, where Tommy's room waited.

Techno opened the door cautiously, seeing Tommy's LED lights switching slowly, "guess he did pay attention when you said flashing lights hurt you." Wilbur said nonchalant from beside him.

"Toms, you there mate?" Phil asked, and techno saw food and such laid out nicely on the bed. Techno's favourite foods.

Creating the door open more, they heard pigstep playing from a jukebox, but it was different. Like a remix that was louder, but cool.

The three noticed a banner that were (as techno pushed open the door more) ending the sentence 'happy birthday techno!'

Opening the door fully, it took the three a minute to fully process it. On the floor, there were gifts, a note, and a kicked over chair. The three were scared to look up, and so Phil walked in and picked up the note. His eyes widened rushing back to the other two.

"Read this, now." He said,thrusting the paper into techno's hands. Wilbur read over his shoulder, gasping.

Dear techno, if this is you even reading this,

Here is the birthday present you so much wished for, i'm sorry.

Love you for the last time,

When they looked up...

A horrible sight awaited them.

It was so horrible, in fact, they wanted to cry.




A tear escaped wilburs eye as he looked at his little brother....

"Boo!fuckers!" Tommy yelled, and covered them with paint. He'd created a swing made from a hoop tied to a rope, from where he currently sat.

"You thought I was gonna die?no!" The four howled with laughter, then helped themselves to food.

Then, they all fell asleep in a cute family cuddle pile.


A/N:Oop, sorry not sorry, but notin the mood for writing an angsty chapter rn.

Spoke to my therapist today and I felt good so I can't be bothered to do angst.


Word count:
468 words!

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