Journey To The SMP

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{A/N:I'm testing and idea i had out,and i might take this down later on,but for now,I'll put I up to get thoughts on it}

Ok,so,this is like a dictionary!this will have little helps to tell you what exactly i'm saying,so yeah!
Y/N:your name
E/C:eye colour
N/N:nick name
H/C:hair colour
If I find I've wrote more in the chapter,I'll add it.enjoy this,I guess.

(Ps,sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.also,swear warning)

As you walk,slowed and muffled fallen down playing though your earphones,you look around at your surroundings.currently,your on your way to the dreamSMP.apparently,you need to settle their now,the entire world have heard about the place,and while you respected it back in it's olden days,the place really went to shit.

You had to take along someone who knew the place well,despite never being allowed there.his name?he hadn't told you.even though you'd been working together for a few weeks already and him knowing your name,pronouns,and things like favourite food,he had only ever told you his pronouns,and that he was a demi sigh,and look to the see some trees,and smile.

As fallen down ends,able sisters begins,and you place your hands into your hoodie pockets.the guy your working with can do alot,so he's nicknamed 'creator' or 'author'.both stupid nicknames,but as you can't say his name,you say an irritated "creator.we need to talk."he floats alongside you,turning his head to you and quirking his eyebrow."about what?"his voice is laced with confusion,and while your pissed off,you calm yourself.only a little.

"Listen,I know this is abrupt but can I please know your name?you know line and I don't wanna have to use nicknames all the time."at this,he looks confused."did i not tell you?"he asks,and you shake your head."oh,that makes sense.i wondered why you weren't using my name!"he said,and drops on front of you,making you jump backwards.he's corporeal now,having been a ghost since the journey began,and is holding is his hand."pleasure to meet you,y/n,I'm mark!author/creator of multiple different worlds and au's just because he's bored!"mark said,and you shake his hand.

You let go,and he goes back to being a ghost."we will arrive in ten minutes!"mark said,and you wonder how he's so happy all the time.Mark isn't bad,more...well,he gets annoying sometimes.but that's rare,he's mostly only get annoyed when the place takes two fucking hours to get to on foot.mark seemed to sense your irritance,floating you up."coudn't of done this earlier,bitch?"you ask,and he gasps."fine,if you wanna be rude,I'll put you down."he said,lowering you."no no please please!"you say,you really needed a break.

He lifts you back up,giggling before saying."I'm not that mean,I wouldn't really."you relax,and mark starts floating forward again,taking you with didn't have to do anything!it was paradise.the rain seemed to fall heavier the closer you got,the atmosphere tenser,more...sad.depressing, supposed that's what happens when you've been through like,seven wars and too much trauma no one should have anyway.

Able sisters fades out,now was parting words.all the songs were good,they help you relax and it makes you feel more adventurous,and awesome."we're here."mark said,after a few minutes.he places you down,and your legs don't hurt's more like they're dying to be used,which is odd because you only sat for around five supposed it was part of mark's magic he possessed.

'Well,no turning back now' you thought,and both you and mark entered through the arch,crooked,bent and partially ruined but still elegant in it's own wonder what it would have looked like back in the good days.

What you see past that makes your jaw drop.makr merely places his hands on his hips,smiling widely.

"Welcome,soldier,to the DreamSMP!"

A/N:This chapter was a pain in the ass to write.i dint even mention half of the things I meant to!anyway,I want to see if people figure out the very obvious clues I left.

Most probably will,but it would be funny if people don't get it.yeah,this chapter might be taken down if I think it should.

As you can tell,it was a story making you,the reader,someone in the SMP.i hope you enjoyed this shit story I made,bye!

Word count:
790 words!

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