The Boy Who Couldn't Die {2}

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{A/N:so,this is just a filler chapter before the re-write of assasin tommy,because I really like this yeah.also,random fact,I'm listening to an 8-D audio of "your new boyfriend".woo!}

(Tw:swearing,mentions of death and self unaliving,blood,overcaring friend-please,it ranboo being protective if his friend but it's like yandere but I ain't shipping them-and mentions of neglect)

Third person POV:

Tommy woke up on the shore,close to his was dark,and he was cold.very cold.he coughed,but aside from his clothes being wet,it was like he hadn't tried to drown himself.

Sighing,he got didn't make sense,children drowned in twenty seconds,while the time for adults is thirty seconds.he spent a good minute drowning.he should be dead.unless he is?he isn't know,but decided he should go check his phone.

Once safe on the bridge,he snatched his phone out of his bag and checked the had been four fucking days,four!tommy sighed,looking over the edge at the rushing stream below,then back at his had a lot of texts,most of them from his family.

It made him slightly hurt that tubbo hadn't texted,but Tommy was pretty sure that was because he either thought it was for attention,because he was too busy hanging out with ranboo,or both.

Tommy put his phone back in his bag.he wouldn't get lucky a second time,he couldn' he positioned himself on the other side of the bridge,he heard a voice behind him,
yell."no!please don't!"the voice said,and Tommy span around.he almost Los his balance,wobbling and almost falling off,before the voice grasped his hand.

Looking up,he saw none other than ranboo,who looked very tired and the rim of his eyes were puffy,like he'd been crying."let me go!"Tommy yelled,but ranboo hauled him onto the bridge,and hugged him."never."he said simply,and hugged Tommy tighter.

---tommy's POV---

What.the.fuck?! ranboo caring for me right now like a child?what's he doing up this late anyway,it's one am for fuck sakes!"hey,listen,can't a guy end his life in peace?"I say,but it's muffled by ranboo's chest.curse him and his tallness.

The rest was a blur,but I know for a fact ranboo took me to his,got me warmed up(I would never thank him,but I guess it was appreciated)and then sat in front of me with a serious look on his face.out if the corner of my eye,I could see my bag and my phone that was on charge.ranboo began speaking,jerking me out of my thoughts.

"I swear on my life tommy,if you dare leave this house without me,you'll fucking regret it."ranboo said,and I paled."you-you-you just-"I said,stuttering through my sentence.ranboo just swore.ranboo just swore.ranboo just swore!!

He never swore,never.i mean,it's heard occasionally,but he apologizes afterward for it and even that doesn't happen often."swore?I,promise me you'll stick to me when we go to school."he said,and offered his pinky."really?a pink promise?what are you,a ch-"I began to say,but the death stare I was recieving from the male in front of me made me link Pinky's with him,saying a small and quick "I promise".

Ranboo smiled,and hugged me,softly stroking my hair as he did so." sorry Tommy,this is just the best for you."he said,before pulling back and bidding me a goodnight before turning to the door,prepaing to leave when I blurted out a question."will you tell the others I'm here?"I say quickly,and ranboo looks at me.

"No.if anyone sees you at school,then we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."is all ranboo said before leaving.tomorrow would be Tuesday,and I had to go to school.though I hated school,ranboo's house wasn't as bad as the riverbed I was going to be buried in had ranboo not stopped me.

I turn over,sleep catching up to me and the bed pressing me down,further helping sleep claim eyes fall shut,and I fall asleep quickly.

Tomorrow is another day...

A/N:heyo!so I wanted to state that this,ofc course,is all platonic.i do not ship Tommy and ranboo,ranboo is just a really good friend and wants to protect tommy.

Now that's out the way,I would like to say the assasin Tommy chapter might be out a little later than intended,but I hope it will still be on time.anyway,if you haven't already,please have a great day/night and I'll see you next upload!

{Also,opinions on a QnA book??i've been thinking about doing one for a while,but that's only if people have questions for me.bye!}

Word count:
830 words!

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