Cracks In Time

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Tubbo was sick of it.with tommy.listen,he knew Tommy had been through stuff,but he always made it about him.tubbo and ranboo's feelings weren't allowed to be spoken about,it seemed,when Tommy was around.

What tubbo didn't know was how much Tommy really wanted them to speak about their feelings,which is why he'd 'go first'.he didn't outright tell them this,because he thought was he was doing was obvious,but one day he came across a diary.tubbo's,to be exact.he looked around before flicking to the newest page.

Dear diary,

Tommy always talks about his feelings,and it's irritating's like neither I nor ranboo can speak about our feelings in our own home!

I know Tommy's been through stuff,but I just wish we could talk about our trauma instead of listening to him waffle on about his!

Tommy stopped reading there,closing the book and placing it back down,before turning and dashing down the stairs.wjen he got down,he saw tubbo and ranboo sitting and talking at the table,upon seeing Tommy wide eyed and pale,they stopped.tommy sighed,sitting down."I was trying to get you two to talk about your individual trauma's,you know."


A/N:wowww this is short but hey!I did 478 words and then it's gone.

Plus I'm on break but i don't like to count that-

I might do a part two of this,but idk.


Word count:
246 words!

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