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It was raining, the water hitting the window like a shower of rocks, or a human asking to come inside.

Well, whatever it was, it was droned out by the snoring coming from the couch, and white static that poured out of the TV.

A human lay on the couch, snoring away, unaware of the world outside their own dreams.

Wilbur's slumber was awoken by Tommy, his roommate, shaking him awake roughly. "Did you see my chilli heatwave Doritos?" He asked, very seriously. "No, I haven't." He said, lying. He had seen them, because he had ate them. Was he going to tell Tommy that? No.

"Oh, well they've gone missing."Tommy said, looking at Wilbur before glancing away. Money was scarce, which meant food was difficult at times, but Tommy had saved up money to get Doritos. Unfortunately, Wilbur was so very hungry that night and as there was nothing else but noodles, he ate the Doritos.

Sighing, he supposed he's better tell the truth. " Actually, toms, I ate them. I'm sorry." Wilbur said.

{A/N:I t's 11:14 pm rn, I'll finish this in the morning}

"Oh. Ok." Tommy said, voice dejected. Wilbur knew he was going to regret this, but he was offering anyway, "as a sorry, I'll do all your chores for two weeks?"

Tommy shook his head softly, "it's fine wil, you don't eat often. Really, I should be doing your chores for two weeks." Tommy said, patting wilbur's shoulder. The blonde then left wilbur's side, and rhe brunette watched him turn the corner, into his bedroom.

As much as that should've helped him, it just made him feel worse.

Wilbur turned his attention back to sleeping again, eyes falling shut rather quickly.

Tommy crept around the corner, making sure Wilbur was asleep before slipping his shoes on silently and sneaking out.

The rain pouring down was peaceful almost, the peeling black paint of the railings and stray water droplets plonking down onto the concrete.

Tommy pulled up his hood, for while he was protected from the rain, the bitter and chilling cold snapped at him, making him shudder.

He slid down against the door of his home, watching it.

His mind travelled to the letter he'd found, for Wilbur. Closing his eyes, he let his head lower, just the sound of the pouring rain soothing him off to a fitful rest.

Dear Mr.soot,

We have a job opportunity for you!

We know that, right now, things are tough, so we have decided to offer you this job.

We have been looking for someone (namely an assistant) to work with the two famous heroes blade and philza.

While this is far- away, we have paid for your travels (if you accept) to and from the central city, where you'll be needed. We have even made sure you have a house close to where you'll be working.

However, we know that a boy is accompanying you. I'm sorry to say the boy cannot join you.

We look forward to hearing from you with your answer.

Best wishes,
The council of British heroes.

Tommy awoke with a jerk, the rain now accompanied by thunder. Tommy stood up quickly, he was freezing and seemed to have been out here for a few hours, given how cold he was.

He quickly re- entered his home, seeing wilbur still asleep on the couch.

Then, a piece of paper caught his eye. Sneaking over to it, he looked it over. Then he read it again. And again. Tommy paled, turning toward his room and walking there as quickly and quietly as possible.

He flopped onto his bed, thinking ver what he'd just read.

Dear council,

Thank you for this job opportunity, I appreciate it immensely.

I have come to a conclusion to your proposal.

I will take the job. Tommy will understand, I can still provide for him after all.

All I need to know is when I start working, and what time to be there by.

Best wishes,
Wilbur soot.

Wilbur would leave him. Wilbur was leaving him.

Tommy wasn't a child, not by a long shot, but having only had Wilbur for the majority of his life, he wasn't sure he'd cope alone.

The plus side, however, was that this meant Tommy wouldn't have to leave the house, and have a better choice range of food.

He rolled over, closed his eyes and listened to the heavy rain and the crescendo of thunder outside, going back to dreaming.


Word count:
754 words!

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