Coraline Au

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{Art by piedpiperrr!click for full image}


Tommy sighed,trudging up to his new see,he and his family moved for techno's new work.meaning Tommy had to leave his home,and previous friends.his red rain coat was blowing with the wind that signalled a thunderstorm was on it's way.

Tommy entered the house after Phil,his dad,yelled for him to hurry up."ugh,I'm so bored..."Tommy said,and techno rolled his eyes,letting out a grunt."go explore the house or something then,Tom."he said,and Tommy walked out of the kitchen where he was previously standing.techno knew full well tommy hated the name,it irritated him!rolling his eyes,Tommy first walked up the stairs,heading to what he assumed was the bathroom.

He noticed mold,and a...closed shower curtain?what kind of psychopath closes the shower curtain?peeling it back quickly,Tommy reeled back in disgust.loads of bugs were crawling along the wall,and Tommy frowned.he started smushing them with his palms,but got to creeped out and turned on the tap to clean his hands,which let out water in spurts.

"Tomathy!"he heard his dad shout from downstairs,signalling he was needed for...something,he didn't know.he shuddered,he hated when he was called 'tom' or 'tomathy'.sure,that was his name,but he'd said time and time again he would rather them say 'tommy'.he walked downstairs after turning off the tap.his dad stood in the kitchen and techno was no where to be seen."I'm just going to the shop,I'll be back soon.techno is working,so don't interrupt him."phil said,and Tommy nodded.

Then,Phil left,and Tommy sighed.he went back to exploring.over the course of the hour,he saw his room,Phil's room,techno's room,the living room,explored the kitchen some more,and eventually found the office,where techno sat typing away,his tired eyes blinking slowly as he typed away at something or other.tommy grabbed the doorknob,held on and began swinging back and forth on the door.he did this three or four times before techno's irritated grumble met his ears."tomathy,I'm trying to work.i have a deadline I have to meet,stop that."

"But I'm bored!"Tommy said,and techno sighed,not pausing from typing."go count the windows or something then,but don't interrupt me."he said,and Tommy sighed,rolling his he left,he heard techno mumble "child...".while Tommy would've loved to irritate techno more because of the entirely untrue name he was called,he knew Phil would lecture him on 'not disturbing techno' and techno would smile smugly if phil did.

So,instead,Tommy made sure his red wellington boots were on,his red rain coat was secure,and opened the door.he walked out,closing the door behind him and walking down the steps.finding a stick he called a 'wayfinder',he began walking with he reached the top of a hill,he heard a sound like a chainsaw.tommy ignored it,until it grew louder.and louder.until it was like it was above him.looking back he saw a slightly higher cliff,where a person in a mask on a bike skidded to a stop,looking down at him.

Then,before Tommy could run,they hopped down and walked closer to him.he backed up,and kept backing up until the person in the mask grabbed his arm,stopping him from falling off the cliff.pulling him back to safety,the masked person lifted it and-

Underneath was a boy.this boy had hazel eyes,and messy brunette hair.his green coat had fluff on the shoulders,and the mask he wore was made of metal with...did he have night vision goggles built into the mask?!He smiled,and his teeth were pure white,so that it could've blinded tommy.he held out his hand,still smiling as he spoke."hey,sorry about that!"he said,and gestured to his hand by moving it a little.tommy looked at it,then back at him,an eyebrow raised.the boy merely smiled more.sighing,Tommy cast the stick aside and took the boys hadn in his own."my name's Toby,but people call me tubbo!"the boy said when they stopped shaking hands.

"Toby?more like to-bye."Tommy said,and tubbo laughed nervously." me anything but that,I'll fucking kill you."he said,and tubbo nodded,looking nervous.then,a black and white cat slinked around Tommy's ankles.tubbo seemed to light up at this,because he held out his hands to it and yelled a small "boo!there you are!" and Tommy raised and eyebrow."his name's boo?"Tommy asked,and tubbo shook his head."well,his name is actually ranboo but I call him boo for short."Tommy rolled his eyes.

A shout in the distance broke the silence where tubbo was petting ranboo."I have to go,my aunt is calling me.see you tommy!"is all he said,before he hopped on his bike and rode away.ranboo followed him,glancing at Tommy once more before leaving.tommy frowned at it as it walked away.the cat was irritating anyway.

"Oh,by the way,you have a rash from that stick you held!"he heard tubbo yell as he rode away,and he looked at his hands.he had two red rashes on both hands,and sighed.well,home then he supposed.


{A/N:This is your reminder to get food and drink if you haven't already!}

Once back at the house,Tommy sighed.phil was back,and preparing dinner."dad,i-"he began,but then realised Phil wasn't listening,sighing,he walked over to the table,sitting down.

Dinner was boring,as usual,and Tommy rolled his eyes at Phil and techno's boring conversation."I really need to get more food,for the fridge."Phil said as techno nodded in response,and Tommy shook his head,not that anyone noticed.phil just went to the shop a few hours ago,didn't they have food already?

Tommy trudged to bed,changed into his favourite sleep wear,and got into bed.looking at a picture he took with his friends (timedeo,bitzel,and Luke),he smiled sadly.he missed them.placing the picture frame back down on his bed side table,he turned over in his covers and went to sleep.

If a mouse happened to squeak within the floorboards,or a black and white cat sit outside his window and stared at the blonde boy sleeping in the bed opposite the window,by early morning all was normal and not a mouse nor a cat were in sight,like they were never there in the first place.

Tommy awoke normally,having had a good sleep,unaware today would be the day his life was flipped upside down.

A/N:hello!I hope this was good,and I'll make a part two if people like it,so yeah.

This chapter will be checked for spelling mistakes,but if I miss something,please tell me so i can correct it.thank you!


Word count:
1171 words!

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