Techno's Son Au

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{Tw:swearing,violence,implied death}

Tommy's POV:

I hid the part of me I hated,my hybrid side.i looked like technoblade,and while I think of him as my hero (and still do),my own best friend was murdered by him,I don't want to remind him of that.also because wilbur doesn't like it.

But recently,I don't care.i haven't cared for a little while actually,and yet I still hide it.i know who my father is,and yet I don't demand answers.i don't even hate him.i just hold a grudge against him for what he did to tubbo (though I understand why he did what he did.don't tell him that),but I need answers from mother is gone,and techno always said he was lonely,so I assume she's been gone for a long also makes sense why I'm called 'Theseus' by him.i guess it was my name?I wanna change it to that.

Prime,all these emotions are so confusing.okay,priorities then the other shit.i open my door,and step out.walking to the portal,I say hi to people I see on the way.i enter the portal,and the piglins...wave at me...?well,they do this a lot,basically always,and I've always waved back,so I wave and yell out 'hi's to others far away.they grunt in their language back.i get to techno's portal faster than I thought I would,and go through it.once I'm through,I allow my hybrid side to show up a bit more,the tusks and ears popping up.i smile,and continue moving.

I get cold pretty quick normally,but I suppose being a piglin brute hybrid makes me warm all the time?I get to techno's much faster than I guessed,and it's quiet.i get nervous,what if he kills me?I sigh,and make my way to the front door.i knock,and hear shuffling inside.techno opens the door and his eyes widen before he calms them,keeping his stony expression expressionless."what do you want,Theseus?"he asks,and I narrow my eyes at him."oh,you know,just answers for some things."I say,and he pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Why come here?ask someone else."he says and I stop my foot on the snow."well,I don't think 'anyone else' is my father,so may I come in and we settle this father to son or I stay here until you give me the answers I want?"I say,and he sighs.he steps aside,letting me in."thank you"I say,and walk in."follow me,I have a room for this stuff."he says,and climbs up a ladder.i follow like asked,hiding my hybrid features in case I see phil.we exit through a door,and go down some stairs,past polar bears and into a...pond?I sigh,getting in the water.we climb down,and I look at the huge space where people are training.i see three familiar faces-ranboo,Niki,and phil.we enter a meeting room,and he sits down.

"So.explain what's going on."techno says,and I blink."well,I think it's obvious I know your my father and I take after you,now I want to know why I was given to Phil and why my name isn't Theseus since it obviously is."I say,and he puts his head in his hands.good,bitch.he abondoned me,hurt me,and was generally an asshole.still,he's my father and I guess I'd like to think he and I could bond like one."your mother died a few weeks after your first birthday.she went off to a war,and I never heard from her again."he began,and I nodded.

Then,he handed me a was her with me,and I hugged it.he then handed me a small folder with which he'd compiled all the photo's of us.i put the picture I had in,and placed the folder in my pocket."I was unfit for being a parent,as I was looking for any excuse to cause anarchy and chaos.i was afraid I wouldn't come home to you,and be the parent you,i gave you to Phil and he flew off home.and i regret the fact I gave you to Phil the moment he was gone.i knew I should've kept you,but I couldn't."techno said,and he looked sad.

"I was around Phil's a lot,he even let me babysit you once or twice.i got to feel like your parent even though I technically wasn't."he said,and I couldn't feel anger.he'd gave his reasoning,and really,I would have done the same.or,I think I would've.i've never had a kid."so,there you have it.was that all?"he asked,and I shook my head."is bonding like father and son off the list?"I ask,and he looks at me."what?"he asks,and I repeat what I said."is bonding like father and son off the list?"he looks at me,and blinks a few times before answering."well,I was about to go mining if you want to-"he begins,and I jump up.

"I'll help!"I yell,and run out the door.i hear techno laugh before he pauses and them yells "don't take my stuff tommy!"and runs after me.the three are taking a break,and stares wide eyed and the two of us laughing with each other,more importantly,me.i had revealed my hybrid features,and we took off back up the ladder."you can't stop me,dad!"I yell on instinct,but both of us don't mention it.

We spend the day bonding,and I couldn't be happier.


A/N:sorry if this chapter was shit,I didn't really have much ideas and I'm a sucker for happy endings,so yeah.

I hope you enjoyed this,and I'll see you next upload!


Word count:
986 words!

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