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Tommy had been thinking a lot recently,and sure,if that meant he was being an idiot and overthinking some things,then so be one had to know of that.

However...he had a dream that sparked his curiousity,and why he's laying awake at three in the morning,having not gone to bed.

In this dream,he encountered gods.there were around five,maybe less.he recognised some,others he didn't.they spoke to him,saying he should come live with them in a palace,even giving him gold and white clothes and netherite as gifts.

When he said he liked it on earth,however,they still smiled.they said they'd stay with him on earth,so long as they could keep watch over him better.he agreed,and they said he would be given gold and iron the next morning,when he woke up.

So,when he awoke and found nothing there,he felt disappointed,though he knew he shouldn't as it was a dream.tommy barely got out of bed,wanting nothing more than to stay put and return to the place where he had wealth.

He had forgotten the major detail of his dream,however.this major detail was swept over,covered up by Tommy's memory,and yet he never thought hard enough about it.

Throughout the entirety of his dream,the gods had been calling him Theseus.

Now,even if Tommy remembered it wouldn't bother him,but confuse him how they knew that name.but then he'd rule it out as a dream,which it was.

Tommy had no clue his life was about to go through yet another 'wiggly' time.


A/N;Aghhhhh I'm sorry this is so shortttttt

It's 3:47 am for me,so I'm really tired.sorryyyyy...

Maybe part two as a sorry?


Word count:
300 words!

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