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So,i might have to take a break as not only do I have to do stuff tomorrow,but I was sick earlier.

My apologies,I don't like going on breaks much as writing keeps my brain focused,so I'll be working on an extra long chapter as a sorry.

{It'll mostly be bench trio angst,from tubbo's perspective}

Ok,that was all I wanted to say,enjoy the rest of your day/night!

(Edit:so,I've decided it might just be a long chapter of ranboo and Tommy being so protective over each other they would hurt someone really bad for them.I don't know what I'm gonna do yet,but it might be that.this is all platonic,please don't think I'm shipping them)

{Edit two:so,um,I actually have no idea what to write for the big chapter-
Like,I've wrote three reasonably long ideas,but the get new ones and delete the other one.no,I'm sure I'll get an idea soon}

{Edit three:I'm so sorry,but there's gonna be so much of these until I get the long part out.it should take around another day or so,as it's 12:15 am rn for me.i had an idea and now I can't turn back.perhaps I could make something very short before the long chapter?I'm also getting rid of the word count until I can stop editing this,it's just takes to much time.}

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