Robotinnit Idea

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Hello!sorry,I have school tomorrow and I'm not in bed yet,so.i decided to write this!so this would be published on the ninth of September,but I had a robotinnit Idea.

So imagine this...(little trigger warning for swearing)

Tommy has incurable trauma,he's so fucked up he'd die before he'd admit how messed up he was,and now he had to do the only thing he knew he could do in a situation like,leaving his home,he goes to a secluded and quiet area,where a man is waiting for him.the man does a checkup on Tommy,before powering him down,resetting the trauma he'd dealt with and then powering him back on tommy feels great again,the man tells him he must charge now,and much more differently than to what he'd do(where he'd lay in a bed).now,he must plug a wire attached to him into a socket and charge himself.tommy thanks the man-fundy-before continuing on his way.he goes home,and everything is fine.until his suspicious behaviour began to get noticed.

That's just a little thing for it

Sorry it's so short,but I'm very tired.


Word count:
203 words!

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