Prison Au

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{A/N:not sure if there's violence or swearing in the story,but trigger warning for violence and swearing}

Third person POV:

Yelling and screams were heard echoing from the walls inside the prison,the sobs and begs of a boy so desperate to be left alone falling on deft ears,the man dragging him in question a brute and infuriating man with only his ideals and safety in mind.the golden curls of the boy were beautiful,light reflecting off of it as he was dragged along the floor with no care.the boy continued to cry,and ask him to stop,but to no avail.

Sadly,when he was put down,he was in a prison cell with the two people he was deathly afraid of,one having cracked his head like an egg in the very cell they sat in.the other just mass murdered people,and the blonde just happened to be alive and in the way.the blonde begged and screened and banged on the door to be let out,but eventually became so tried he passed out.neither the pinkette nor the dirty blonde moved a muscle for a moment,before seeming it safe to pick I up and move him.once safely moved,they talked quietly before becoming tired and going to sleep.

Tommy's POV:

I wake up and feel I've been sleeping on hard ground.i also feel like I've recently stopped crying and become confused.why would I cry?why am I not on my bed?I yawn,and sit up.early morning light shines through the bars of the cell,and dream and technoblade are sleeping soundly.i don't need sleep much,so I decide to stay awake.i sigh,and look toward dream.i don't hate him,contrary to popular belief.i just...I just don't want him in the way of my happiness.everyone's happiness.that's all.

Exile wasn't bad,dream just confiscated weapons he didn't want me having.but still...exile wasn't fun,though I wished it could've been.i wanted friends to visit because even though I was exiled...I didnt want that to stop us being friends.exile would've been easier if they weren't assholes,but I will admit it was my fault I got my ass landed out there,in the cold.i lay on my back,and sigh.what do I do now?I mean,I'm stuck,and for who know how long?

Maybe I'll never get out.i don't want that,I wanna free.the sun has practically risen now,the cold morning air sweeping through the bars and freezing up the room.i shiver,I don't have a coat or anything,just my shirt.techno's the first to wake up out of the two,blinking slowly and rubbing his eyes before sitting up and seeing me staring at dream."what you staring at him for,Theseus?"he asks,his voice soft.i'm not sure if that's because he just woke up and doesn't want to wake anyone else,or if he's being soft with me.whatever,doesn't matter.

"I...don't's just feels natural."I say,not taking my eyes off the man who was sleeping below me.i took note of the fact I was on some kind of seat board,held by chains,and dream was curled just by the side of it."well,I'm gonna wake him up with my be-"techno began,but I cut him off."no!please,no loud noises!"I say,and he stops."no bell?"he asks,and I nod."at least not right now,it's too early for it."I say,and he nods,sighing.we sit in silence for a bit before he talks again.

" did you end up here,exactly?"he asks,and i sigh."Sam...saw me walking outside the prison...he was sure I was trying to break in,and dragged me by my foot here."i say,and techno looks outraged."but I'm fine!really,I just hurt myself a little from trying to slow down Sam on the floor and corners!"I say,smiling and giving him a thumbs doesn't seem to calm him,but he stops advancing toward the door and instead sit on the floor opposite me.

We make small talk,and it's peaceful.tuen,we land on the topic of explosives.from my simple of question of "what the best explosive to use ever?",we were having a full discussion.dream groaned,and flipped us both off."can you not..?I wanna stay asleep..."he mumbles out,and I laugh.techno shakes his head,and dream curls up,covering his ears and laughing.not evil,or manic,but a normal laugh.he sits up,rubbing his eyes before looking at me."what were you two talking about?"he asks,and me and techno were off explaining all types of explosives to him.

Third persons POV:

While the trio talked,they had no idea how close they had gotten in a few minutes.emotionally,of course,they still all sat far from each other.

Once each noticed,they didn't mention it,afraid it was only them thinking very wrong they were.however,as the cellmates discussed explosives,they all secretly hoped it meant something they would be friends for a very,very long time.

And with that,the cell of technoblade,dreamwataken,and tommyinnit was filled with laughter and joy that entire day.


A/N:I swear,that ending was shit.sorry?anyway,I needed this part out before I cried to myself about stuff going on.nothing to bad,just a bit of confusing emotions.anyway,school starts for me on Monday and stuff,so I might not be publishing as consistently,sorry.

Bye,and night.ill probably fall asleep now.

Word count:
939 words!

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