Skater Au

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Third person POV:

Tommy and his little group of friends had always had a skate park to themselves,mainly because dream was rich as fuck and had his own huge skate park he never used.the only person who bothered was the bench trio.tubbo would play songs he'd learned on an instrument,ranboo would play volleyball in the next court where he'd see Tommy skate.

As much as the two had tried,they were better at other things.tommy just had a talent for skating.rollerskates,ice-skates,skateboards,you name it,tommy could do it.of course,people believed the trio were just fucking around and weren't able to do any of the things they said they could do,until they ventured out into the stadium like hall where the courts and park was kept.they heard a skateboard sound,and looked to a huge ramp,where the top of a skateboard peaked,them the rest.on it was Tommy,who did an impressive triple backflip before landing.tubbo was practicing piano and ranboo was playing volleyball against a robot.

"You guys weren't shitting us!"dream yelled out,and Tommy got off his skateboard.he rolled over to the group using his heelies he'd wore that day and laughed at their faces.ranboo finsihed the game quickly,jogging over to where Tommy was.tubbo hopped the railing of the stairs leading to the DJ booth and landed by Tommy,ranboo the other side."you thought we were shitting you?"tubbo asked,then laughed."well,this is one of our many talents.we try very hard at new things you see,they just help us."ranboo said,shrugging."anyway,you guys can watch us if you doesn't matter either way,we're here grinding for hours."tubbo said,and Wilbur looks at them.

"But you've already mastered them,why-"he began,but Tommy laughed."just because we've mastered the skills you jus saw doesn't mean we don't improve on others."Tommy says,gesturing to the DJ booth,skatepark and volleyball booth."you take turns?"George asks,voice small."I don't know why your all suprised,we told you we did this."ranboo said,and turned to the court again."we thought-"techno began,but Tommy loudly sighed."fuck this,i'm getting back to're all so boring."Tommy said,and skated off,hopping back on his skateboard.

Tubbo giggled,walking to the booth stairs."they both have a point,you know."is all he said before he jogs up the stairs and goes back to being a DJ.over the intercom,tubbo's giddy voice rings out."ten minutes until switch,you know the routine." before cutting out.then,calming yet uplifting and awesome music plays over it,hardly enough to distract anyone,but also like Tommy began shouting at know,like that mock irritance?

Tommy's voice was heard singing along,and when it wasn't,yelling words of encouragement to ranboo who looked like he was having a rough time winning.tubbo came out of the booth second later,and slipped down stairs."well,since you lot at here,mind fetching us drinks?ranboo's been trying to win that game for thirty minutes,toms had fell and hurt himself more thank a hundred times since we began,and I'm parched."he finished,and then a soft voice spoke clearly."me and puffy cam get them,need food too?"Niki asked,and tubbo smiled.

"Just sandwiches,they're already in the fridge.thanks Niki,puffy."he said,and the two were gone before another word could be spoken."so,we get a tour?"sapnap asked,and tubbo scoffed."we aren't some agency or whatever.we're just here grinding our skills from six in the morning to ten at night.hardly anything big."tubbo said,and went back up to the room.

{A/N:Break time,this is your reminder to get food and drink,gpndo what you need or sleep or smth cause I am.night}

{A/N:nasty headache for me again,it forces to be sick.not fun,but I know it'll be soon,but because of this I'm afraid I have to leave this sorry,but I just can't do it when I'm ill}

Word count:
690 words!

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