~L O N G C H A P T E R~

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{A/N:I have a great idea!I will be making very long oneshots.you'll see what I mean.}


Third person POV:

Tommy was a man of great skill,magic one of them.he was so skilled,in fact,he often boasted about being good,though he never used it against someone unless he had to.his brothers,wilbur and techno,were put into gryffindor.well,while Tommy had hoped he'd be in gryffindor as well,he was placed in Slytherin.he didn't even want to be in Slytherin!but it was here he realised his already made friends weren't with him.

His best friends tubbo and ranboo in Hufflepuff while the rest either in ravenclaw or gryffindor,he was totally alone.shortly after the sorting,he overheard Niki jack wilbur and techno talking about how useless he was to others in their house,who were laughing.well,he'd fucking show  them.he may not have friends,and his best friends may be busy with studying and making new friends,but Tommy could survive!

He was wrong.

He was so fucking wrong.

He didn't know what most words in his book meant,and it was hell.without tubbo or anyone to tell him words,he had to work them out.however,the Slytherins didn't bully him for it.they saw Tommy as a cool and funny dude,and wanted to help.so,with the help of the common room and all Slytherins,he learned a lot of new words.

And he had friends,seventh years and all!seeing as Tommy was the youngest(trust me,they checked through everyone),they treated him like a brother.tommy was kind and helpful to the others,and also helped them make mischief.they loved Tommy!(platonically obviously)and so,when winter break rolled around,they all stayed.though their families would miss them,they felt the need to stay with Tommy who didn't like going home unless he had to.

Of course,his previous friends caught wind of his massive "following" and didn't seem to happy.well,aside from tubbo and ranboo,who were allowed in because they brought good food from the kitchens and were equally chaotic.so,of course,Tommy's solution to this situation was to totally and utterly avoid anything to do with it.

Tommy's method worked.for a day.then "shit got fucked",as Tommy put it,as one of his friends were attacked by a gryffindor.not just any gryffindor,however.wilbur attacked his friend.

Tommy was pissed,and rightly so.he stormed up to wilbur's group,and Wilbur turned to him"finally realised we're-"he began,but Tommy hexed him that made his teeth grow and break out in boils."you fucking bastard!I hate yiu!leave my friends alone!"Tommy said,and then binded wilbur's legs together and stopped him from talking.

Storming off,he huffed.he was fuming with anger and wanted to continue hexing wilbur,but decided to leave that as a warning.of course,it's never that easy for tommyinnit,is it?
~New Oneshot~
{A/N:anyone else listening to derivakat?actually,should I tell you readers what I listen to while I write these?eh,probably won't.unless,of course,people want to know}

{Tw:swearing,mention of death,blood}

Third person POV:

Tommyinnit was a special man.well,it wasn't a secret.seven wars,two exiles,a shit ton of death attempts and now death.yep,special.But what was extremely shitty was that there used to be only the four of them(wilbur,schlatt,Mexican dream and him),but then wilbur was revived.

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