Bad Habits

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Tommy's exile was shit,to say the least.molded to be dependent on dream,limited resources and isolated from everyone,it was a less than ideal situation.hell,he didn't even have a furnace to cook food!so,he had to eat stuff was disgusting at first,but then it got better and better until he could eat raw food so easily it was like it was cooked.

But then he was in Prison,his exile was far behind him,and he was hungry.sure,he'd eat potatoes,but when those had ran out,he found himself staring longingly at dream's right arm while he slept,finding it to be the most savoury snack he could have.

And so,when Sam checked up on the two and found dream staring,petrified,at Tommy who had a bloody mouth,Sam panicked.dream cast a glance at him,moving his mouth silently saying 'help me',showing that he had in fact no right arm,and that Tommy had eaten it.

Sam stared petrified,before he knew he had to do something.

And that something?

Let's just say,dream screaming in pain haunted his dreams for longer than sam liked.

And it was weird.because Tommy always appeared non-cannibalistic,yet he hurt dream,almost killed him actually.

A/N:this was a little project,I might make an actual oneshot on this but I'm too lazy now so here,have this.

I need to finish chapters quicker,this is terrible.

Word count:
250 words!

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