One Bottle Or A Thousand?

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(Tw:Swearing,mentions of abuse,abuse,mention of alcohol, alcohol)

{A/N:I know,I know,a lot of warnings,but in reality it's well needed.this oneshot will be mainly angst,but the end will be nice.but seriously,I wasn't sure if I should add underage drinking,so I'll add it here.ok,enjoy?}

Third person POV:

Ranboo walked over the snow that still needed to be shovelled before Tommy's visit tomorrow.ranboo winced as he lifted his left leg up,out of the snow-it still stung from where tubbo had thrown the bottle at him.speaking of,maybe today was one of his non-drinking days.opening the door,of the mansion,ranboo stepped inside.the door was shut quietly,just in case tubbo was,in fact,drunk.

He stood still by the door,straining his ears to hear any sound.nothing.maybe,just maybe,tubbo was sleeping.ranboo silently made his way up the grand staircase,still straining to hear anything.and,to his horror,he was tubbo,of course,but he was telling at Micheal,their son.rushing to tubbo's study,he knocked as quiet as he could."what?!"he heard tubbo yell from inside,and stepped in."oh,it's you.can you get this little bitch out?he won't shut up."tubbo said,and nodded wordlessly,moving to pick up Micheal.

He turned,but just as he was about to leave,tubbo said "and come back here after."ranboo was scared,but he nodded and left silently.before he closed the door,he heard tubbo take another swig of the alcohol he was drinking.ranboo rushed to Micheal's room,and sighed."buddy,I have a job for you."he said,grabbing Micheal's clothes he'd wear if he went outside.he hurriedly dressed Micheal in it,before handing him a letter."can you do it for me?the job?"he asked,and Micheal nodded.the poor kid didn't understand.

"Go to uncle Mimi,you know where he lives.give him the letter,and say papa's being mean,and tell him to read the letter.can you remember that?"he asked,and micheal's excited nod made ranboo smile."good,now sneak very very quietly down to the door,and close it behind you."Michela got up,and began walking to the door.he waves goodbye to ranboo,who smiled and waved.once he knew Micheal was out,he made his way back to tubbo's study.he knocked before he was granted permission to come in,which he did.he stood in front of tubbo's desk,and tubbo snarled.

"Stupid idiot,what took you so long?"he asked,words slightly slurring."sorry,I had to get Micheal distracted."ranboo said,bowing slightly.but he knew was he feared was if to cement this theory,the empty bottle tubbo held smashed against his arm,yelling out a "get me another bottle!and hurry!"ranboo hurried out of the study,making his way to the kitchens as fast as his legs would take him.then,once he has tubbo's favourite bottle,he remembered he could teleport and teleported outside the study,opening the door and presenting the bottle to him.

Snatching it,tubbo opened it and took a swig." ge ou!"tubbo's speech was as slurred as ever.however,ranboo wasn't about to battle tubbo.not in this state,and possibly not when he's sober.ranboo hoped Micheal would hurry,and even though he was a toddler,ranboo knew he was smart and very,very,ranboo did the most logical thing and went to the first aid room he had build,in case of accidents that needed urgent attention.his arm was cut and bleeding,and it made sense as his white shit was stained red,it and his coat slashed where he'd been hit.

Then,he heard the door.slammed open.tubbo would know,of course,that ranboo had sent for help,and the rate he could get to a place when angry and drunk was a force to be reckoned,ranboo,scared out of his mind at hearing the stomping of tubbo,hid in the only space he shouldn't even be able to fit in-an empty storage cupboard.

The door to the medical room opened with a crash,and ranboo prayed to whatever god out there that he wouldn't be caught.if he was?...

He didn't wanna think about it...

A/N:hey!so this was meant to be uploaded earlier but I forgot about it so yeah.i didn't get on to the comfort part,but if I make a part two,that will be pure comfort with light angst in the beginning.

Ok,thank you all for reading!


Word count:
760 words!

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