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Tommy knew very well that someone had made tunnels under his house, but seeing as everyone he'd thought of seemed highly unlikely to do such drastic things, it only left one person.

Tommy shuddered to think of him, the smile forever etched onto the white porcelain mask. He shook his head, willing himself to stop thinking about him.

He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't allowed near the prison, how could he ask dream? (Thinking the name made him shudder)

Then, he thought of getting Wilbur to ask. But then Tommy realised Wilbur would never ask, and just speak to dream like the fanboy he is.

So, Tommy settled for the other option.

You see, dream gave him a bracelet, back in exile, saying it was from tubbo.

Now, flash forward to the present and tubbo denied ever passing dream that bracelet, or he would've remembered.

Tommy never could get it off, even when he tried to.

But the thing was, if Tommy touched it, the next day, or even an hour after, he would feel like he was being watched. Monitored. Tommy knew it was him, it had to be. No one else was that obsessed with him to stalk him.

So, steeling himself for the consequences to come, he pressed the tip of two fingers into the bracelet, holding it there for a few seconds before pulling back in suprise.

Because the bracelet had made him warm. ever since being revived, he was always cold. Always. But not a bad cold, just cold.

Yet the bracelet had made him warm. He'd missed that warmth, a lot. it didn't mean he was going to run to dream and beg him for a hug, however.

Tommy sighed, rubbing his eyes. Guess he'd play the waiting game.

It had been an hour, and Tommy was just beginning to get the sensation of being watched. He'd just entered his home, having spent most the hour with tubbo, ranboo and micheal.

He inhaled, before saying aloud to the room, "I know you're here somewhere."

Tommy glanced around the room, seeing nothing out of place. "Of course, you're too much of a pussy to come out and face me." He said this more quiet, but still able to be heard. Tommy took a deep breath in, and held it. He could faintly hear the sound of breathing. But where was it?

Tommy smiled, knowing he didn't have to breath. Dream did a shit job reviving him, so now he didn't have to upkeep any of the things people who haven't died do.

"Dream, come on, this is boring. I can hear you breathing." Tommy's voice was calm, yet cocky. So unlike how he felt. Yet even after this, all was still.

Tommy cackled, slapping a hand to his forehead. "Of course, I'm just paranoid. Dream isn't here with me, the breathing I can hear is probably Shroud, sleeping away in a-" Tommy's sentence stopped short, a searing pain  circulating in his head. He looks up at the figure, who was wearing a prison outfit, and a cracked porcelain mask with a never-fading smile.

"You actual asshole," Tommy growled out, before falling to the ground, unconscious.

Waking up is meant to be easy and lain free, so why did everything hurt? Why did his head sear with pain when he hadn't done anything but sleep?why did his head hurt so bad, why couldn't he open his eyes, why couldn't he feel his pillow, why couldn't he feel his cover, why couldn't he feel-

Tommy jerked awake, sitting upright. Clutching his head, he sighed before looking at his surroundings. On the floor was a shovel, discarded carelessly. Blinking, Tommy realised it was morning. From the windows, which had been open all night  resulting in a very chilled room, the rays of morning sun spilled into the room.

To add to this, the early songs the birds sang was very apparent, filling his already splitting head with overwhelming noise. Sighing, Tommy stood very slowly.

Memories slowly filled his brain, and he paled. He just might pass out again.

He exhaled shakily, inhaling strongly to calm his nerves.

Guess he had a problem to fix huh?


A/N; I really like this one, so i hope you did as well!

I could make a part two, but I think it'd cooler if it were just this.

Anyway, thank you for taking time out of your day by reading this and I'll see you next upload! Bye!

Word count:
758 words!

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