Ghosts And Ghouls

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An explosion so loud and large it drew in every member of new l'manburg or those visiting from everywhere.

In the reckage of a UFO, quackity stands. He is pale, staring at the scorched, lifeless bodies of two minors he had just inadvertently killed.

He just wants to manipulate purpled, not get him killed! And Tommy had been recently revived, he wasn't meant to get caught in the crossfire!

"What did you do?!" Tubbo's brokenhearted scream of pure agony bounced around in his brain, before quackity collapsed.

That day, the dream SMP lost two minors, but gained their ghost.

Tommy laughed, "Uno bitch!" He yelled, placing down his final card. Purpled slammed his hand against the table, "damn you!" He said angrily.

"Hey,are we going back as ghosts or do you just wanna hang here?" Tommy asked, eyeing the door leading to the ghost incarnation room. "I guess we can go haunt quackity for the shit he did." Purpled shrugged, standing up. "You coming?" He asked, and Tommy nodded, laughing.

"Sure. Bitch."

Tubbo gasped, two transparent forms rising from where his best friend and purpled's body's lay still. One looked similar to Tommy, having the red shirt and burns from the explosion. Purpled's ghost was the same, the wounds slightly different as Tommy was bleeding from the head, while purpled bled from his arms and legs.

"Prime, you guys have been here whole day?" Purpled asked, and Tommy shook his head "the passage of time is different when your dead. It's merely been an hour, purp." Tommy said, seeming bored.

"Still, that's a long time to not do anything." Purpled says, turning to Tommy. Tommy nods, before seeing quackity and flaring up. "You absolute dickhead!"

Quackity flinches, looking at Tommy. "Why the fuck did you wanna blow up purpled's UFO?!" The blonde yells, throwing his arms in the air. "No, he blew it up toms, he didn't just want to." Purpled sighs, before looking angrily at quackity.

"You weren't meant to die, I was-" he began, but Tommy cut him off. "What? We were supposed to be manipulated?" The blonde's attitude was not unlike that of a incredibly sassy human.

"Well yes but-" quackity began, but purpled cut him off with a scoff. "You fucking bastard!" Tommy yelled, throwing his hands in the air. "Can we go play Uno somewhere toms?" Purpled asked. Tommy nodded, "let's go purp."

Together, they floated off, yelling at each other in playful banter.

Once they were gone, tubbo rounded on quackity "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled, blinking back the tears that were falling previously.


Tommy was having a ton of fun, being a ghost was awesome! He could go through walls, the floor, doors and float!

However, even though Tommy was having fun purpled seemed to be feeling sad that day, and Tommy felt as though purpled wasn't having as much fun.

"Hey, purpled, are you okay?" He asked, looking at purpled, who was staring intensely at the ground.

"I'm mad." Was all he said. "Why?" Tommy asked, and purpled smiled, turning to him. "You ate my fucking food!" Purpled yelled, chasing a screaming Tommy around

A/N: Sorry this was bad, but I'm not feeling too great right now. I didn't want to make this angsty, so I apologize if you wanted something angsty.

Anyway, thank you Sharkythewerido for requesting this! I hope this was to your liking!


Word count:
576 words!

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