Asylum Tommy

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{Tw:mentions of blood,violence and swearing}

Third person's POV:

Tommy opened his eyes,and he felt's tubbo and ranboo were assigned to him after his previous doctor,puffy,had said it would help Tommy more to connect to doctors of his age.he liked tubbo and ranboo,they were why weren't they here?then it occured to Tommy they probably had other things to do.still,it was hard not to be sad.then,he heard a noise from outside his room.

Looking up,Tommy stayed stock still and watched his door.was it who he hope for?was bee and boo back?but,as the door opened,Tommy crawled as far back as he could without using his hands,seeing as he couldn't.he breathed very fast,eyes darting around the space for an exit,and only seeing the door and the padded white walls of his room.

The brunette,who looked sad,stepped further into his space.tommy panicked,and tears rose to his eyes.troubled,he began crying,yelling out for tubbo and if they could hear him.but,as if by a miracle,tubbo and ranboo were through the door in minutes.

Well,you may be wondering how Tommy got here.he liked to flaunt it,saying what he thought was the reason.would you like to hear it?if not,you might want to leave,if you do..stick around.

(A/N:so,not sure if any of my readers have heard of it,but the song "ballad of Sara berry" is what I based this off of.or well,it gave me Tommy's reason for being there.i forgot it even existed till I saw it on a ranboo inspired playlist.don't question why I was listening to it,cause the truth is I don't know I just was)
Tommy had to impress his parents,what son would he be if he didn't?Tommy had prom to get ready for,and he didn't even have a date.if he didn't be prom king,he would be a failure to his parents.

He didn't outright tell his parents,not did they expect that from him,but Tommy was sure they wanted a son who was good at things.and it made Tommy sad to say he wasn't good at much.

Fast forward to prom,and guess what?he's king!though,he's confused when red and blue lights spark and jitter outside.he was prom king,was that a crime?he laughed when he was dragged away,off the podium and away from the red that was splashed across the hall.

And who was sitting by a man who looked sorrowful and pitying?Jared.Fucking Jared asshole.he tried to take Tommy's title!but,as tommy passed him,he cackled,yelling at the traumatised Jared"I'm king and you aren't,I'm king and you aren't!"Jared looked traumatised.Bastard,he had no right to look traumatised!this was Tommy's victory,this was Tommy's title,this was Tommy's,all Tommy's!

Yet soon after,he felt sick.he seemed to come back to himself for a moment,and took in the fact that everyone but Jared was dead.he felt sick,but the sickness turned to anger.he killed everyone but Jared?!Jared was taking all the women,had a great life,and was going to be prom king,and he called the police?!what kind of asshole does that?!

Tommy passed out into a police offer's arms,and didn't wake back up until he was in the asylum.


So,there you have it.thats why Tommy was in this shit hole.but we still don't know what he would say if he was asked why he was there.well,here it is:

"Because I'm prom king and that bastard Jared fucking redneck isn't."


A/N:hello!so yeah anyway I got this idea and wanted to write it,then I listened to "the ballad of Sara berry" and I had the idea that Tommy was singing it in first person.i recommend(if you wanna listen to it)that you listen to annapatsu's(not sure if that's how you spell it)cover,it sounds cool but it's dark and has mature themes(death and murder)

Have a great day/night if you haven't already,take care of yourself,and I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
708 words!

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