Broken Powers

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Tommy was in the run from the top three heroes.

Him, versus the top three heroes!

Honestly, if he wasn't so awesome he'd keel over and die of excitement.

"Get back here, you brat!" Willow yelled, and for a second Tommy considered it, slowing down.

"Come here, now." The hero spoke, almost like it was meant to command him over. Tommy turned to face the heroes, before moving backward.

"Listen, uh, while this has been fun, I gotta get home. So, see you?" Tommy said, scratching the back of his neck. His mask was getting uncomfortably warm, and Tommy felt rather caged.

"You just resisted my power..." Willow spoke, almost muttering it, staring hard at the ground as though it would give him answers. "You just resisted my powers!" He yells, looking away from the ground.

Wow, this guy must be going through the five stages of grief. "Listen, I don't know how to break it to you, however someone has to do it. I think your powers may be broken, what you're experiencing is denial. I understand this is a tough time for you, but there's no need to shout."

Willow stutters, the blade looks on almost amused and philza, who looks very tired yet amused at the situation playing out before him. "You- you fucking-" willow begins, and Tommy nods. "I know, I know, the road to acceptance will be a long one, but I'm confident you can make it."he said, before stepping closer to the edge of the building he was on.

"Now, with that, I will be taking my leave." Tommy said, and hopped off of the building with practiced ease.

Now, to get home to his spider son and goldfish daughter.


The three heroes remain on the building for a few minutes, taking in what just happened. "He resisted my control." The brunette states, and the pinkette snorts, " I like that kid. He puts you to shame." As the two bicker, the dark blonde watches the two, sighing as the brunette demands the pinkette to throw themselves off of the building, to which they comply, albeit against their will.

"Wil, come on, not cool." He said, before extending his wings to fly down to the pinkette. The brunette merely rolls his eyes, watching him go "whatever." He says.


Tommy strolled along the streets of a desolate place, only ever used for drug deals (though,it seemed the police/heroes guessed this was where they'd be. There hasn't been a drug deal here for over two months) and dumb teens to mess around in the early hours of the day.

He kicked a few rocks, whistled 'able sisters', and finally made it to the slightly run down place he called 'home'.

Entering, he softly called out a 'i'm home!' and slipped off his shoes. His massive spider son, shroud, scaled down the wall. "Heya buddy, get food food today?" The blonde asks, and shroud nods. "Where's Clem?she's usually here by now." Tommy said, and Shroud gestured to upstairs.

Tommy sighed, his daughter was going through either a rebellious phase or a heartbroken phase.

Guess he had to be a big man and help out then, huh?


Somewhere, a boy looks on at what could have been.

His parents, the fuckers, had left. With no warning, or hesitation may he add.

The boy shakes his head, acting annoyed, when inside he is sobbing, begging them to come back.

He shakes off the feeling that was missing them, and focused on the fight at hand.

Grieve later, beat some assholes now.


After helping Clementine through her heartbreak phase, Tommy decided to retire for the night. He was exhausted and staying awake longer wouldn't help.

Getting in bed, he lay looking at the ceiling. Shroud was in the corner of the room, Clementine the opposite side of him. Tommy sighed, turning over. He fell asleep rather quickly.

A/N:so, i'm I'll and so I can't go to school for a few days, so here's a chapter I was working on yesterday and today :]

If you didn't know, I kinda based this off of 'tommyinnit's unbeatable method of avoiding sudden death', which I just finished reading yesterday. I violently sobbed to that, so if you haven't read it, please do.

Thank you for reading, good bye!

Word count:
723 words!

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