You're A Giant, King

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Eret had a secret.

One that couldn't be told.

You see, she could actually grow in size, and thank goodness her dresses or really any outfit grew with her.

It made travelling long distances alone much easier, as he could just grow and within two or so minutes he'd be there.

Eret was kind, and so often helped people who were stuck in places hard to escape from, or trapped under something they couldn't move. Really, he just helped people in need.

So, when the SMP decided a picnic is what would start the path to recovery and the sight is about twenty miles away, eret guesses that she would help. I mean sure, they could go through the nether, but no one was in the mood, and no one had a car.

On the day, everyone stood with their bags and said they'd just walk it. "Give me a moment, I have an idea." Eret said, and everyone looked confusedly at her. "Yeah I uh- can't do it if your watching..." She said, rubbing the back of her neck. Everyone turned away in unison, and eret began to grow.

Nothing too big, as the people down below didn't look like ants, but big enough that within three steps they'd be ten miles away. "Okay, you can look now." Eret said. It was nice that her voice dosnt boom, but it was loud enough to be heard.

Everyone stared in shock as eret bent down, placing both hand out with their palm facing up. "Hop on, don't forget the bags, and we'll be there shortly." They said, everyone quickly doing as instructed.

"This is so cool big E!" Tommy yelled, smiling widely. Eret smiled at him, and saw wilbur move closer to Tommy before hugging him.  "I don't like this much, eret, but in trusting you." Wilbur said, burying his face in tommy's shoulder. "Tommy, you're the biggest man ever, please protect me. I'm afraid of heights." Wilbur said, and Tommy nodded. "Okay wilby!" No one commented on the nickname.

Eret checked everyone was good to go before setting off. Some people talked, others layed down to look at the clouds (since eret kept their palms open and toward the sky) and some went to sleep. It was a very warm day out, with no clouds to be seen and the sun glaring at the group, but now that eret wa carrying them, they got a brilliant amount of wind.

Around a minute later, eret placed their palms down, letting people get off. They noticed how most were grateful (mainly Wilbur) while others thought they weren't there yet. Eret began to shrink, saying, "this is exactly twenty miles out. You can check if you'd like." Puffy checked, her face being engulfed by suprise. "Exactly twenty miles out!this is exactly what we wanted!" She yelled out, but it was quickly ignored because of four people.

The minors of the SMP, purpled, tubbo, ranboo and Tommy had all crashed into eret giving her a massive hug saying a big "thank you!"

Once the minors were standing, as well as eret, Tommy spoke In a highly enthusiastic voice, "you saved us from walking, and you have super powers now?!" Tubbo quickly piped in, equally enthusiastic "honestly big e,why didn't you tell us before? I could've made you some upgrade thingies for you!" He said, and soon there was a muddle of voices all wanting to be heard.


A/N: sorry to leave it there, I didn't know what direction to take this in.

Also, hah hah sixty nine funny number-

(Ps, maybe a part two the death's Helper oneshot?)

Word count:
613 words!

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