To The Forest!

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It was a difficult thing,pretending to be all right,but Tommy managed.whenever Phil would turn him away and tell him he was busy with techno,or Wilbur busy with his guitar or talking to that salmon girl,sally,he put a smile n his face and said "that's okay!have fun then." And leave.

He wouldn't ask everyday,maybe once a week,and sometimes when techno was free he'd ask techno,but...techno was the same.he was too busy to deal with a child just eight years,Tommy had enough one day.he packed his bag,slipped on a red and white hoodie to match his shirt and his favourite khaki shorts before sneaking out.

He smiled once out in the night,it was peaceful.quiet.but he must've stayed still too long,because the front door opened and Phil yelled out "Tommy?!what are you doing out there?!" Tommy knew if he began running,Phil would get techno and it was game over.byt the forest was so close...

Phil had began walking closer.

If he could just get there in time,he was free.

Phil was even closer now.

Tommy breathed in,braced himself,and ran as fast as he could go.he heard Phil shout for techno,quickly explain,and techno come running was game over if he was caught,please just let him get to the forest,he just wanted to be free-

He is tackled to the ground,right on the forest's edge.techno keeps his hand in Tommy's back to prevent escape,but Tommy flails anyway,trying to get free.phil walks over,and pick Tommy up,but Tommy flails even more.eventually,they make it back to the house where wilbur is standing,looking at his brother who is trying desperately to escape.

Once Tommy was sat on the couch,the three standing looked at him expectantly.instead of giving them an answer,Tommy crossed his arms,stuck his tongue out and even uncurled one arm to give them the middle finger.wilbur gasped,and began reprimanding tommy "that was so rude,toms,apologize at once!"Tommy rolled his eyes,standing up and saying "fuck you,fuck you and the biggest of fuck you's to the asshole in the green hat."Tommy said,before storming off to his room.

He sat on his bed,pulling his bag off his back and curling up into a ball,letting the unshed tears fall.he was so close,it was like he could taste,he did the most logical thing,and wiped his tears,preparing to leave again.picking up his bag,he snuck down the drain pipe and ran as fast as he could to the forest.he was in!the leaves crunched under his feet as he ran,the house with a door that just opened disappearing I to the distance.tommy picked up the pace.

Soon, remembered the note he'd left in his room.

Dear anyone who finds this,

I am gone,and not coming back.i long to be free,and see things for myself.i will not return,and forever run if you try to find me.



He smiled,that would be a good enough message.he'd sent word to tubbo,who no doubt was packing and leaving now.tommy was at the sight where he told tubbo to meet him,and sure enough,two minutes later,the brunette was there."let's go,we can't stay still for long."Tommy hissed out,and tubbo nodded.they linked hands as they began running again,deeper into the woods.

They had been running for an hour now,and finally reached a Clearing whr the could stop.a half and half boy,who looked close to an Oreo,was sitting,curled in on himself and looking scared.he stared at them as the two sat,and sorted out a fire and somewhere to sleep.

Tommy's POV:

I smiled at the boy as we took out the marshmallows and put them on sticks.i handed him a stick,and some marshmallows,and he copied us.we made him a bed as well,patting it and I said "this is for you.we'd love for you to come with us,you look cool!" Slightly quietly.he nodded,shuffling over and falling asleep fairly quickly,I turned to tubbo who was also asleep.

I stoked the fire with wood once more before also going to sleep.

In the morning,I was awoke by the boy gently nudging me.i looked at him,raising an eyebrow."yeah buddy?"I ask,seeing it was early morning as the sun was just rising.the boy smiled nervously,and gestured to tubbo,who was standing a little ahead,all ready to leave."oh,thanks.what's your name?"I ask,sitting up and packing things."r-ranboo..."the boy said,quietly.i smile,and say "well ranboo,get ready for the adventure of your life!"

He smiles,nodding and stood."thank  you,Tommy..."

A/N:This was inspired by a video I saw,but have you SEEN THE NEW SAD-IST VIDEO???sorry,but it was SUPER POGGERS!

I love the animatic so much,really it's great.

Okay,that's all from me,bye!

Word count:
853 words!

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