A Time Lapse

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I sigh,and warp to the place I go when I'm bored and feeling adventurous.the end.as I partially live there now,I can write ender but still not speak it(it's very difficult,but luckily enderman know how to read even though they can't write).

I walk some of the houses,as enderman don't live in these often.sure,they could,but they can't and don't need to sleep so what's the point?I hear a soft giggle like chirp come from one of the rooms,and hide behind a corner.i peak around the corner,and the cutest most adorable half and half child with green and red eyes is babbling to himself when he notices me.he lights up,and keeps waddling to me.i repeatedly hide behind the corner,until suddenly the child Is right in front of me.

I yell,and scuttle back."I ranboo!"the child said,knowing suprisingly good English for an enderling."you I?"he asks,and I smile,extending a hand."Mark,nice to meet you ranboo."I say,and ranboo takes my hand,shaking it rapidly.i giggle,and lift him up as he clutches desperately onto my wrist."where's your parents buddy?"I ask,putting him down."they's forever gone.die."he says,and looks at the floor sadly."i'm sorry for asking..."I say,and ranboo smiles."no sorries,I fine!"he said,back to his happy voice.

After an hour or so of talking,I hear a beep from my earpiece."situation in server 69420,I repeat situation in server 69420 all recruits to deal with that."the gruff voice said,and I sigh."I gotta go,little man.see you."I say,and he lets out a little "bies!"before I disappear.

That kid was nice,hope I'll see him again.whatever,for now,focus on the task at hand.

A/N:I'm sorry this was short I'm so tried rn.it's 9:24 pm and I have school in the morning.

So uh,night?


Word count;
335 words!

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