Why Won't You See Me?

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Dear reader,

The passage you are about to read is what you would call a 'vent fic'.it has been created to explain a little as to why the author feels so bad lately,and barely scrape at the second to third gender dysphoria episode he's had.

So,what better way to kick a chapter off then by saying your dad wasn't coming the day he was supposed to?

And that also two kids in his school got caught stealing from it,but like not in the act afterward.ok,that was all.

Yours sincerely,
Orfius,the co-orchestrator of multiple worlds.
Sighing,Mark rolled his eyes at the piece of paper.scrunching it up,he threw it in the bin.snatching his phone up off of the bed that lay,discarded against the mattress.opening it,he climbed onto his bed and opened the messages he's had with his father.

While he was technically not in his life anymore,he still visited.sometimes.he lived far away,you see.didn't make it sting any less,though.

Sighing,he noticed something that made him shudder,the feeling of not being okay rising quicker and quicker to his eyes,which threatened to leak tears.it was a message from his dad,where he'd sent a message asking him to answer his calls.

'Answer phone girl'

Mark sighed,explaining very quickly the situation,ignoring the fact he felt so close to crying his tears actually began to spill down his face.he began to doubt himself,was he leading people on?was he not a he but a she?mark didn't know,didn't care,so I stead turned off their phone and slept it away.a single message was sent.

'im supportive of you and who you want to be.'

Now,a day later,he is at his nans house,where he receives word from his father that he actually can't come that Saturday,because he has a house he needs to clean.

Mark sighs,tears again springing to his eyes.he was so happy and ready to finally be able to properly talk with him about his pronouns and preferred name,but he fucking bailed.

Mark pulled out his earphones,plullging them in and listening to deltarune's very own 'don't forget' while crying.he knew he shouldn't,that he should be used to this by now,but the truth was was that he needed to let it all out.he had to.

He had been crafting a cheater for wattpad at the moment it'd came in,the message.he opened his phone,deleting the idea he had because he no longer liked it and worte something else.something he liked better.maybe it was...stupid.and naive.and a little bit if mark overreacting.but he was so done with people's bullshit.he was just done.so,he wrote and wrote and didn't stop writing until his hand was sore.

And then,he added and ending,one he liked best.

However,he'd still have to edit the top,as he hadn't gotten rid of a few paragraphs and changed the title.

Then,he uploaded it,and reclined against the wall.before he remembered he had homework to do and should probably get on that.


A/N:hello!I'm sorry this is different than my normal chapters but I really did not feel right about it.

I might go to sleep soon,so good night(?)


Word count:
556 words!

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