The Boy Who Couldn't Die

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{TW:mentions of self-unaliving,neglect}

Third person POV:

Tommy was often neglected.not food wise,no no,but..well,his family didn't care,his friends didn't care,and his best friend didn't one cared for tommyinnit,and yet...and yet,they somehow did at the same time.well,wilbur didn't,techno didn't,phil didn't,all seen by Tommy as the three would shun him,or yell at him for interrupting their "important work" (spoiler alert:it wasn't).

Tubbo refused to hang out with him anymore due to the new boy,ranboo,having memory problems and tubbo wanted to be the first person he would remember.tommy never hung out with ranboo,though he would admit he seemed to not notice what damage he was causing by being here.what other damage was he creating other than stealing his best friend?

Well,it was that Phil,techno,and wilbur all agreed ranboo would be a better brother and son than hurt Tommy more that the three wouldn't care if Tommy went missing,which is exactly what he did the night after hearing them say that(it wasn't really his fault,he had been walking in the woods and gotten lost,he didn't purposefully try and disappear).

Tommy had grown since then,as it happened when he was fifteen and he was now was actually his seventeenth birthday,though no one bothered to acknowledge tommy was in the woods again,but near the bridge hang out he usually went to when he was see,Tommy had stumbled across the bridge the day he went missing(which had not been his birthday)on total accident.

However,Tommy remembered walking this path back when his family cared for him,when he was five years of had been beautiful,scenic,many people walking there and it was fun.but then,slowly but surely,people stopped using it.then,teenagers used it for their hangouts.tommy had seen some of then take place,as he hid very well in the trees.tye teens would leave their rubbish and Beers and just be terrible,so Tommy would clean up their rubbish.

Then even the teenagers stopped using old and decrepit,Tommy had spent hours fixing it up and cleaning it.he would replace loose or creaky planks of wood with new ones,fix the support beams,and even decorated them in red and white things,cementing his place.he'd sit there for hours,even if he had to miss school to get it(not like the teachers liked him,anyway).

The peace and quiet aside from the rushing stream below it was nice.tommy would always take care of his spot,even the things surrounding both sides of the bridge.tommy all round loved the's what got him into gardening.though he was teased by many for doing such a "girly activity",it helped Tommy be at peace.which is why the forestry surrounding the bridge was full of flowers and well-kept rose bushes.

The stream was powerful,it's current smashing through any unseen forces.tommy had so spent tedious hours cleaning that up,too.but now,as he stood on the outside of the rails,the soft summer wind blowing at his hair,school bag on the bridge from when he'd thrown it down,he wondered if anyone would come and clean him up,or keep the bridge or it's scenery nice.

He took a fleeting look at his bag,and smiled.he'd ditched school when he wad walking earlier to come here,his phone turned off and snug in the front pocket of his red bag.he kept smiling as he faced the water again,and leaned forward.

He was going to do it.

He had a note in his bag explaining what happened in case someone found it.found him.

No one would though.he Hadn't told anyone.

He was going to do it.

This is for the best.

He fell forward,and plunged into the cold water.the water poured into his lungs like water into a cup,and Tommy welcomed it greatly.It hurt,a lot,but it was fine because he was at peace.the current was going to take him away,and he was fine with that.

His vision began to fade,and he smiled wider(if that was even possible).he was ready to greet death,and tell them how glad he was they had come.come to take him away.

But just as he was dying,he thought he saw someone.a woman.she was standing on the riverbank,just watching him drown.she hadn't been there before,but Tommy couldn't care less.she didn't move to help,and Tommy was out before he got a good glance at the woman.


A/N:heyo!so,I got this idea of a fanfic I was reading (I forgot the name of it),and liked the yeah?you know the usual,if you want me to write a second part,let me know.

Have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
833 words!

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