A Haunting

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{A/N:ShadowmuffinX had this idea first,please don't think I created this myself!!full credit goes to shadowmuffinX!}

{Tw:swearing,mention of fires/burning to death}

It was sunset when the group of friends arrived at the haunted mansion,and all were tired.what they didn't know,however,was that they were being watched by someone-something.no one knew of their presence,but they were there all right.and they were bored.so,like any spirit would,they decided to fuck with the humans.firstly,they would need to devise a trap.then the haunting could begin.

As Karl set up his bed and bag,his kind wandered to the outside,where the winds raged and the rain fell seemingly endless.it scared Karl,just a little bit.suddenly,there was a slam from upstairs,and footsteps so loud they seemed to be closing in on the stairs leading down to where they are.the footsteps thud down the stairs,and Karl holds his breath.nothing.silence.no one spoke a word.no one moved a muscle.then,very slowly,the door began to creak open.

Karl's eyes widened-he hadn't explored why this place was haunted,he couldn't die,not ye-

No one was on the other side of that opened door.

Karl wanted to go home now,but he'd be called all sorts of names if he did,so he held in the urge and continued setting up.


Checking his watch,Karl saw it was now 12:01 am,and it made sense as the boys had fallen asleep,despite their promise of staying awake.karl sighed,and looked at clay,who was snoring quietly.karl glanced at nick,george and Alex before deciding to call it a night.he was feeling pretty tired,and if the boys were sleeping,he was too.what,do you think he'd explore on his own?after what happened earlier?

But as he settled down,a noise upstairs made him jolt up.it sounded as though someone had slammed a door open.karl blinked,and tried to get the attention of the person closest to him-nick."nick,wake the fuck up!"he whisper yelled,but nick isn't stir.karl even tickled him,which wakes nick up usually in a instant no matter how tired or late it is,and the reaction is immediate,so why was it not working now?

He then looked to Alex,who was sleeping with his back facing karl.he,Karl,stood up and sighed.he was about to do the most horror movie 'you'll die first because your dumb' thing he's ever done,and explore the noise alone.it was absolutely a death wish,but really,if nick wasn't waking up,no one else would either.maybe they would and he was just dying for nothing,but he didn't have time to ponder on it.another bang from upstairs,and a wail of pain it seemed.

Walking out of the room,he headed up the stairs and swallowed thickly.whatever was up there,he was coming up too.

A/N:I know I keep doing really short ones,but really I quite like doing these short.anyway,thank you for reading,again I got inspired from shadowmuffinX,so yeah.


{Part Two anyone?}

Word count:
523 words!

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