Adoption Au

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{A/N:this is different to the previous adoption Au I did,one where it's just Tommy?ok,that was all,but I swear next part will be on a different character}

(Tw:swearing,mentions of abuse, violence and implied starvation)

Third person POV:

Tommyinnit has been in many homes,all of which he has either been sent back from or ran away from.he doesn't want to act like he's some sort of Saint,but he's not as bad as people make him out to be.he's referenced as a nuisance,someone who you could hurt and get no punishments from,and yet Tommy was so...annoying that they needn't have bothered with that anyway,and instead left him alone.ignored him.something other than beat him,but nothing ever came easy for tommyinnit,did it?

He'd been in around twenty five homes,all shit.The last house...beat him each day.the thing that got me taken away,though,was because I was caught try to sneak some food even though he hadn't had any all day and was incredibly hungry.but it wasn't because they starved him,no,it was because they beat him with a frying pan.imagine having to go to hospital and say the reason why you were there was because you were beat with a fryin pan.

The man who called the police was actually a random guy who was walking home from his work when he heard yelling.screams,yells,the banging sound of a frying pan,and more cries.he called the police,and if he didn't Tommy probably would be dead.they beat him so hard he almost died,from what he heard the doctor say.a now,he's back in the orphanage,in his room,doing nothing productive.just staring at the ceiling while he hears other kids talking,laughing and being kids.

What he wouldn't give for that.just fucking around,not paying attention,it would be great.but that would mean someone would become him,and wish the same thing,so maybe it was for the better he was getting this.still,a boy could dream.a knock rang through his ears,jerking him out of his thoughts."yes,Natalie?"Tommy asks,when the blonde pokes her head in."there's...a man downstairs.he's looking to adopt you.he saw your file know how it works"she concludes.

Tommy's POV:

I sigh,irritated,and let my head flop onto my pillow.natalie is bad,she's actually very nice,it's just...I get so damn angry,I can't help it when I yell.but I'm determined to not yell at her.i won't.she walks in,sitting on my bed and looks like she was about to cry."um,so Tommy..?"she begins,her voice wavering."yes,nat?"I ask,and sit up.she begins miming the action to hug me,and I hug her before she can.

"Y'know...if this man didn't come,I would've adopted you..."she said quietly,but it's no doubt she's crying.the news is a shock,and yet I still think it's great."then why can't you?"I ask,and she sighs.she pulls back,wiping her eyes."this man already adopted another kid,and...well,from what I've heard,he's a great father."she says,and I scoff."so?nat,I want you as my mother,not him."I say,and she laughs.its bitter,and sad,but she seems to be trying and make me feel better.

"Toms,promise me you'll try and like this home and not try and come back here on purpose?"she asks,and I sigh."fine.but can we do things like a mother and son would do?I'll stay with 'em,but I'm not doing nothin' with them."I say,and she nods.he's actually my neighbour,so you'll see me a lot."Natalie says,and I was a great relief."do you wanna go park tommorrow?"she asks softly,and I nod.we laugh together,and she helps me pack.

Time skip!(also,third person POV again)

The house was,in a way,ugly.i mean,it was very nice,but not as nice as Natalie's.i sat in the living room,Phil (the man who adopted Tommy) cooking pizza in the kitchen while Wilbur(and annoying shit who kept calling him a 'child') and techno,(who was just laughing and joining in the jokes),made fun of Tommy and his scars.wilbur seemed around eighteen,techno the same age.

The TV played in the background,but Wilbur and techno didn't pay any attention to it,instead poking tommy's face,and lightly kicking him.tommy was getting fed up with it,and he knew Phil could hear because he was laughing.tommy abruptly stood,and the twins knew instantly they were actually fucking him off.he stormed up the stairs,and slammed his bedroom door shit were his bags lay,still fully packed.he wasn't staying,they'd get rid of him soon enough and he'd be home soon.

When Tommy came down for dinner,the first thing Wilbur and techno did was apologize.tommy grunted,picking up his pizza."so,boys,have anything planned for tomorrow?"Phil asked,and the twins were off explaining how they had a plan for the next day.once they had calmed,Phil looked at Tommy."and are you doing anything,toms?"he asked,and Tommy tensed."please..don't call me that."tommy said,and when Phil asked why,he responded with a still very tense tone.

"Only friends and family can."he said,and Phil nodded."my apologies, tommy."phil spoke carefully,as if Tommy were glass and about to break."so,any plans then?"he asked."yeah,going park with mum"he says,looking at his pizza with disgust(the pizza wasn't bad,it's just that he didn't like the taste)."m-mum?"Phil stutters,though he tries to cover it up.tommy pauses,realising what he said.

Dashing from the table,he books it up the stairs and into his room.he hears the twins and Phil close behind,they were quick.but not quick enough.tommy skirted around his door,slammed it shit and then locked it using the lock on the door.he hid under his bed,and quietened his breathing till you could hardly hear it.just one of the many skills he picked up from being in such bad homes.

Night had fallen,the sunset illuminating the floor.the door was broken open,and Tommy really knew he was in for it now.

He had a long night ahead of him.


A/N:heyo!hope you enjoyed this,it's been sitting in my drafts for a while.the next mini story I'm planning to do is centred around mumza,so yeah.i'm really looking forward to writing that.

Thank you for reading and I'll see you next upload!


Word count:
1115 words!

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