Siren AU Idea

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Hi!author here!so I'm not feeling well enough to make a chapter on this au so I'm going to make the basic concept of it (does this count as a prompt?actually,I don't know what that means so I can't say it) and hope for the best.

Also,small warning because it's referenced,mentions of false kidnapping(people being wrongly accused of kidnapping someone even though they didn't)


Phil is a merman,while mumza is a mermaid.they have three kids.technoblade,the oldest,is a merman.he's very strong,but not much for talking or making friends.wilbur,the middle child,is a siren and great at socializing and making friends,but lacks in fighting.however,he's still very smart and an excellent planner.Tommy is nothing like the two,being agile and a siren he's not too good for much.he irritates everyone,so he has no friends,and while everyone loves the other family members,they never approach nor talk about Tommy.

Tommy,feeling bored one day as Phil had grounded him decided he should take a swim to the surface.he meets two humans-ranboo and tubbo.he hears their nicknames first,however,and thinks their names are bee and boo.after a little hiding,the three are quick to be great friends.both ranboo and tubbo understand what it's like where no one likes them,and so Tommy and the bee duo share their stories.

It became a routine,and before long tubbo had alsed Tommy if he could walk on land or if he was doomed to stay in water.tommy shrugged,and shifted himself onto land,where he began to dry off.all the while,tubbo and ranboo made comments about how magnificent Tommy's tail was and then it was with legs,the bee duo help Tommy to stand and walk,and give him etiquette on how to behave like a regular human.

And then,like things do,it had to end.because it was winter,and the lake would freeze over.then,tubbo had an idea.he and ranboo were sharing a house anyways,so why not let Tommy stay?Tommy hastily agreed,and spent the winter with tubbo and ranboo.but even after the winter,he stayed with it was summer and Tommy had basically forgotten he was a siren.they went to the lake where they found Tommy and,thinking nothing of it,get in.

Tommy gets dragged under by his family,and just manages to tell tubbo and ranboo to 'hold their breath' before the three are dragged under,being forced into the king's chamber(which, coincidentally,also happens to be his father)his family waiting around him(they were sat on chairs,Tommy's chair vacant).tubbo and ranboo were given something to help them breath.

The SBI think tubbo and ranboo have kidnapped Tommy,Tommy thinks they just don't like him having friends/being free,misconceptions and chaos ensue.eventually,in some bad ass fight scene,Tommy saves tubbo and ranboo before declaring they were his best friends and he considered them brothers and that they didn't kidnap him,then swims away and takes tubbo and ranboo to their house,making sure their okay (they became unconscious during the whole thing)

Part one ends.

I'm dreadfully sorry if this isn't good,but it's all I can do for very tired and though i should rest i'd hate to not leave something to read whole I'm gone.sorry it's short,and perhaps if this idea is well liked I could write an actual part?

Anyway,I'll be off now.thank you for reading and I'll see you next upload!(school starts for me on Friday,if I got the timing right,so I'll be able to make plenty of stories while I'm off)


Word count:
624 words!

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