His Deathday Party

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Ghostbur was an amnesic,sure,but he remembered the date he died,among other things.so,on the exact week before he died,he began planning a party.no one knew he was planning this party,so it was a shock when they all got a letter reading;

Dear friend,

I'm having a party,and you're invited!please come to the community house at three pm tommorrow if you wish to attend.wear anything you like!


Now,when everyone showed up looking amazing,some weren't happy to see others.however,before any real fight could break out,ghostbur appeared with a little "boo!" That actually scared people.he giggled,and blew a party blower,making the noise and confetti rained from the ceiling.a banner,which flopped down read 'Ghostburs Deathday party!' in bold lettering.tommy smiled-he,ranboo and tubbo had thought about bringing gifts and got him things big for himself and friend the sheep.everyone else looked mortified,or just in shock."I bet they didn't bring present for ghostbur..."Tommy thought,and he and the bee duo stepped forward.

"Ghostbur!how wonderful to see you again,feels like ages..."ranboo said,smiling sweetly."yeah big man,happy Deathday!"tubbo said,putting his hands on his hips and smiling triumphantly,like he won some kind of competition."here,we brought gifts for you big G!"Tommy said,moving his arms out and,like the other two,smiling.ranboo and tubbo nodded,each giving their own gifts to ghostbur."aw,thank you guys!I didn't realise I'd get presents!"ghostbur said,his ghostly voice echoing off of the community house's walls.

"Yeah,we thought you'd really appreciate them.we spent a really long time deciding,cause we wanted to give you a lot."tubbo said,shrugging.ranboo clapped his hands together at this,smiling wider than before."soooo....we got extras!"he said,and gestured to the door.tommy (who no one had noticed slip away) came walking through the door with a trolly,filled to the brim with all kinds of parcels.behind him,two children (Micheal and shroud) had their own gifts.

Eret stepped forward also,as well as Niki and fundy.they'd all made gifts for ghostbur,and gave them to him.

A/N:I know this is short,but I have to leave for school soon and want to get this part out.i just got inspiration to write and randomly went with this.so.uhhh if you enjoyed you could tell me and I'll make a part two?

Ok,that's all,bye bye now!

Word count:
419 words!

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