Peace Of Mind

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Tommy often slipped into...well,an almost coma like state when he was extremely tired or needed a break.he could control it mostly,so he did this in the safety of his room most days.however,there were some times where he almost slipped in public.

However,that never happened,much to Tommy's relief.

Until that day.

It was a normal day,and yet Tommy had been put under a lot of stress.somehow,the entire SMP had managed to congregate in one area (specifically the grassy area under where the bench overlooks).Tommy was under so much stress from the shouting he didn't realise he was slipping.

Let us in,you know you need a break,the voices spoke,we won't hurt anyone,you know we won't,it was hard to ignore them,don't worry,just relax...they'd won,as Tommy was resting quite well.until,of course,he was awoke abruptly by a harsh slap to the face."what the fuck?!"he yelled,throwing his hands in the air.when silence met his words,he got a good chance to look around at all the shocked and scared faces.

"Tommy...?"tubbo asked cautiously."yes,what?"he asked,snapping his attention to the brunette Brit.

{A/N:Ok,so,this chapter will continue however.

There's this tiktok I was sent,my god I didn't know I could simp over applejack,honestly.

It's genderbent applejack.i've found more with the others.}

"Do you not remember what just happened?"he asked,his voice soft.the wind blew softly,and not a single soul spoke.well,aside from Tommy,who was confused.

"what do you mean-why am I on the floor??"he asked,realising just now he was sat on the grass.

A/N;I'm sorry this was so short but I have no ideas and am having a sleepover today so yeah-

Thank you for reading,bye!

Word count:
316 words!

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