Assasin Tommy

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Third person POV:

A boy sat on a rooftop,overlooking the crowded shops and people trying to get by,others trying to shop and scoffed.he shook his head,getting up and looking to the horizon.the sun was setting,the last rays of sunlight disappearing.the street lanterns lit up,and people began leaving or packing up.

The boy stood on the edge of the building,cloaked by the darkness rendering him unseeable from those walking below."tommy.tommy!do you see the target?"a voice says through the boys was his best friend and co workers,tubbo.

Tommy zoned back in,as he'd been ignoring tubbo for the past ten minutes it seemed."no,not yet."is what he replied,and tubbo sighed."I know you were thinking about your family,Tom."tubbo said,and the blonde sighed.

---Tommy's POV---

"Tubbo,it's..well,when you have this much free time it's difficult to focus my mind."is all I say,hoping he'd drop the see,my family were awesome.we were normal,I suppose.we had game nights,movie nights,were protective of each other and then...

I found out they killed people,for money.sadly,I was discovered,and the next day they were gone.they never came back,and I never saw them while I was tubbo and ranboo formed our own assasin group,and trained ourselves.tubbo is the tech guy,he works with everything ranging from random gadgets and gizmos to the details of a robot.

Ranboo was the medic guy,his expertise was in healing job was the big one.i actually went out and killed targets right now?the SBI.though no-one knows what they look like,people have guessed."-ommy!"I zone back in again,and say a simple "yes,tubbo?"before ranboo is also screaming.

"The SBI!!they're walking underneath the building you're on,go!"is what ranboo screamed,and I looked.sure enough,the SBI was walking below.i panicked,but calmed myself a little before climbing (rather quickly) down the building.i followed them a good way before they were at a base.then,they turned a I turned the corner they were gone."wha-"is what I began to say,before all three of the SBI had me surrounded.

"Take off you're mask,and state who you are."said the angel of death.i sighed,and took off my mask.what?I was surrounded,and there was no way I was going to beat them.even though I'm more agile,they were better at fighting.i took off my mask,and looked the curly haired brunette in the eyes before I saw something that made me suprised.

My elder brother,wilbur,had the same curly hair,and eyes.i was at a loss for words,did..they know where my family was?it was worth an ask."off topic question...but,do you know anyone named wilbur soot?"I ask the brunette,and his eyes widened." you ask?"he said,cautious."sorry it's remind me of my brother,his name was wilbur soot."I say,and look at the ground.

"Um,anyway,my name is..uh,tommyinnit."I say,and internally wince that I didn't use my codename(it sounds like an actual name,ok?)and instead the nickname wilbur gave me.the guy in front of me seemed close to crying."are you okay?jeez,is my name that bad?"I say,trying to lighten the mood.tubbo began yelling shit at me,and startled the SBI."Tommy,what the fuck are you doing?!get out of there!!!"he yelled,and I stood still before answering."tubbo,they might know where-"I begin to say,but ranboo cuts me off.

"Tommy,we don't know if it's safe and we want you home,please hurry up and get out of there!"I sigh,and shake my head."here."I say,and hand the brunette a card."call if you know anything about my family,ok?"is all I say before I wall hop the alleyway walls and onto the roof."but that doesn't mean you're off the hook,I will kill you guys eventually!"i say,before parkouring my way home.

When I get home,ranboo and tubbo cry into me,and I cry as well.theu were crying because they thought they'd lose me,and me?relief I wasn't dead and that I could find my family.

Maybe we'd hold off the attempts on the SBI's life for a while.

A/N:I'm still kinda not happy with this,but it's much better.i feel like I could of added more description or the fact they walked into an alleyway, it oh well.

Have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
796 words!

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