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As dream floated happily in his cell,he giggled,flipping backwards and throwing a book in the air.while he knew he should be sad about how much he'd lost,and the fact he was dead,but in reality he couldn't be happier.he didn't have to abide by laws humans did if he didn't want to,which meant he could do anything!

He wasn't amnesiac like ghostbur was,or as violent as ghostinnit would've been,but just...himself.sure,people could argue he was happier and less manipulative,but is that a bad thing?no!obviously not.dream was waving his arms around like a lunatic before he calmed,picking up the book and placing it in the chest.

Maybe he should visit someone!yeah,he should!but who?techno?nah,he'll be in bed.he's ill,or,was techno his only choice for people who don't mind him much?god,he needs more friends.then again,how many friends could you get,being a manipulative,crazed lunatic like himself?

Ooh,he knew now!

He could go...

To the Afterlife!

Heyyyyy author here!

This is just,like,a test?if you like this idea and want a full chapter please tell me,this is all I could make as I'm very tired and also had only this idea/motivation to write this.

Anyway,bye now!


{Word count:}
{226 words!}

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