Those Eyes...

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Tommy knew bad things had happened,but with the miracle of this thing called 'happy pills' he didn't feel any if it!until...exile.he couldn't get happy pills from anywhere,so his last dose from before this exile was the only bit he had.

Eventually,it ran out,and the results of remembering things less happy then he'd imagined was very...self destructive for a while.

Then,exile came and went,leaving only the shattered remains of a child,one so cruely sent off to war like many others.he no longer had care for what once was,as his mind was still struggling to comprehend the fact that it had recently died.

Oh yea,dream was in prison now.and killed him.

Tommy sighed,picking up the book he'd been using as a journal.puffy said it helped 'keep track' of his thoughts,and 'help him reflect' in case he needed to.

Dear journal,

I still don't like you.i detest you.if puffy hadn't have told me I needed you,you'd be burned by's a wonder my handwriting is still so neat,given I haven't written anything in over three years.

Whatever,my point is,I don't like you.
So today I saw ranboob,he was with Micheal,his adopted son and my "nephew",playing by the,naturally,I waved and moved on rather quickly.despite popular belief,I am not that good at socializing much.

Well,I know at least he's away from tubbo for...a little while.really I should've went to tubbo's and hung out with him,but I was acting in the moment.

Oh holy shit!I found happy pills!

Gotta go,see ya!


Tommy wasn't even lying,he had found some,finally!

He smiled,opening the top and leaning back,tilting the bottle to pour the pills directly into his mouth,but nothing did.only a flutter of paper,which landed on his was neatly folded.

Placing down the empty tube,he grabbed the note and unfolded it.

A/N:I'm so sorry this is so short,I've been working on it for a few days and I really just had no idea what to do,so here.

It was meant to get better,as this was basically the prologue,but here.

See you!

Word count:
381 words!

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