Coraline Au Idea

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Hi!I'm actually too lazy to write this right now,but here's a coraline idea I'll write eventually!

It was actually inspired by piedpiperrr's art,so credit goes to piedpiperrr,I did not make this art!

It was actually inspired by piedpiperrr's art,so credit goes to piedpiperrr,I did not make this art!

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While I may not stick exactly to how the poster/picture shows,it'll be relatively the same!

I will start writing this soon.

Okay,bye now!I've got breakfast to get,coraline inspired story to write,you know the drill.

(Ps,the video at the top is for anyone who either doesn't know what coraline is,can't remember much of coraline,or has never even heard of can still watch it,of course,but I wanted to add it since not only is it funny,but then the plot of coraline is over in a few minutes so you don't have to watch the hour long movie.okay,that was all)


Word count:
152 words!

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