Portal Au

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As Tommy walked through the portal that had lit up in front of him,he saw...himself?turning to the side,he caught sight of where the other portal was,where he saw himself again.tommy supposed this was magic,and that he should better go through because that robotic American didn't sound like the type to be kept waiting.

Walking through,he was amazed to find he was now where he first saw the other portal,the blue one.he smiled,and began walking around the box he was in.then,exiting through a door,he found himself in another room,remarkably smaller.it had a large,red button to the left,closest to Tommy,and a chute thing also on the left,but closest to the door."cube and button based testing is still as important as other tests,so please get on with it."the voice drawled,and it sounded almost bored.tommy now noticed a button,which he pressed.it dropped a cube from the chute!

Grabbing the cube,he wondered what to do with it when he thought about placing it on the button.after putting it down,the exit door opened,and showed an elevator!Tommy jogged toward it,smiling widely.he was a genius,did you see how fast he solved those tests?yet the robot speaking to him didn't seem pleased,or any emotion really,as it didn't congratulate him.

The elevator took him to a new floor,where a board lit up and showed the number '1'.on the bottom,there were tally marks showing he had ninteen other tests to do.he would fly through those,did you see how quick he-

He realised it might be a bit harder,looking at the test itself made Tommy feel sick.it was fine,he could do this!

Somewhere else...

The gargantuan robot continued to look on at the human,who was trying very hard to figure out something simple.it guessed the filthy thing had never had to try like this,and so it was having a tough time.

The robot sighed,and sent blueprints of robot test subjects to be built.the human was to die,anyway,no real use.the robots,rinboo and tabbo,were quickly built,and looked fabulous.and,as much as the robot hated associating things to higher beings such as themself,it had to admit they were great.

Robotically sighing,it turned back to the test subject,who had cleared the test and was waiting in the elevator.


A/N:OH MY STARS.this has been in my drafts for fucking agessssss and I can't even remember where I was going with this originally.

So,uh,have this?

Yeah ummmm bye??(i'm sorry I'm very tired as of current)

Word count:
453 words!

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