Vampire Tommy

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{tw:swearing,mentions of hurting someone badly}

Tommy's POV:

I open my eyes,the cold seeping through the covers.i pull them higher,not wanting to get up yet and face the fierce cold that was always there,even when the castle should have heated,if only i'd have known it would be this cold,I never would have left...then again,I would have been thrown out anyway.the village finding out was inevitable.i sighed,and sat point dwelling on the past.

Getting out of bed and dressing in my usual clothes,I walked out of my bedroom and descended the grand stairs.just as I was about to call for my maid,Niki,to ask about breakfast,I heard a knock on my door.niki came running in,and bowed."s-sorry sir,I forgot to mention,the family from the neighbouring country are visiting"she said,and i nodded."no,it's alright niki.honestly,it's fine.i'll get the door,you focus on breakfast,ok?"i said,and Niki nodded,leaving.

"Now..time to deal with the nuisances."

----(Third Person POV)----

Tommy walked to his door,opening it.there stood king Minecraft (or philza Minecraft) and his two sons,techno Minecraft blade(or technoblade) and wilbur Minecraft soot (or wilbur soot).Tommy sighed,and swung the door open,holding it for the trio to venture in.

(A/N:ok,so,I should probably mention that Tommy is seventeen yet is very mature and an orphan,the "incident" with his previous home(the village)happened three years ago,and he and the three SBI members don't like each other)

Standing in Tommy's home,they took in the very old style place.however,it was also modern as was a cross between modern and old,and the trio seemed to like it."pleasure to see you,lord innit"Phil said,extending his gloved hand.tommy reciprocated the gesture,before saying"please,just call me Tommy",to which Phil nodded,"and you may call me Phil"he said,and Tommy gestured to his dining hall,directly opposite the front doors.

As Tommy and Phil spoke,they found themselves at leave with it.until,of course,they heard laughing behind them,which only grew louder and louder the more they talked,until Tommy snapped his head toward them,crossing his arms and not moving forward."mind explaining what you're laughing at,boys?"he said,tone icy.wilbur only laughed more,calming a little before saying"you're a child-"and promptly burst out laughing again,his brother doing the same.

"Boys!that is incredibly rude, apologize at once!"Phil said,but it was obvious he was trying not to laugh himself.tommy exhaled heavily,pinching the bridge of his nose.he just wanted to fucking eat.he turned around,and began walking again."I can't believe you're calling me a child,yet you're dying on the floor like a pathetic wimp after pointing someone's age out."the trio stopped laughing,wilbur yelling out a "hey!"and Tommy stopped,looking back at them smugly."so,remind me,who's the child again?"

Tommy continued walking,the doors to his dining hall being opened by Sam and puffy,who he thanked."are you coming?I'm hungry!"he hollered after the family,before sitting on his chair on the top most part of the table(it wasn't that big of a table,but it was at the same time.mainky because he'd allow his staff to eat with him,and can you blame him?he was lonely and wanted to be nice.he'd also occasionally help out in the kitchen or just any duty he wanted to help with).

----(Wilburs POV)----

That little shit!how dare he insult me like that.hell,dad looked pissed and dad rarely ever looks pissed.or even seems pissed off."let's just go,we'll deal with it later"I say,and although dad and techno didn't seem to like the idea much,they agreed.we took our seats I was sitting opposite techno,us both sitting close to where lord innit was sitting.then dad sat directly opposite lord innit,and they began talking plans.

Me and techno just stared at each other until the maids came in and brung the food."drink?"a woman with pink hair said,and lord innit smiled"yes,please Niki."the maid,Niki,began pouring a drink that looked like wine into lord innit's glass."is that alcoholic?"I heard techno ask,pointing at the now full glass."no,sir,it's not."Niki replied,and techno nodded.hell,I knew he was bad at interactions but not this bad.niki and the other staff left,and lord innit picked up his fork."let breakfast begin!"he announced cheerily,his piercing red eyes glancing around at us,smiled so wide you could see all of his fangs.

Well,this is about to be an awkward breakfast,isn't it?

A/N:so I wanted to thank hafuyu for requesting this,and asking for dark SBI.i plan to add that to part two,like going more into detail with what the SBI does and such?

I hope you enjoyed this,it was really fun to make.have a great day/night if you haven't already and I'll see you next upload!bye!

Word count:
867 words!

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