Death's Helper

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This is the story of a boy named Tommy.

He worked with his mother, far away from the place his brothers and father resided.

It had been a long time since they'd seen each other, and Tommy was still upset at them.

Tommy, Wilbur and techno all wanted to go to the dream SMP, where all the fun and action happens. They held a family meeting as to who was allowed to go. Tommy made great points, and his father said they'd get the results in the morning, when he'd talked it over with their mother.

Tommy went to bed excited for the next day, falling asleep rather quickly.

The next day, over breakfast, he announced the 'winners'.

It is here our story starts...

"So, me and your mother have discussed, and we've made a decision." Phil smiled at his three boys, clearing his throat before beginning again.

"Wilbur, techno. My boys. Send letters to me and your mother every once in a while, and make sure to pack the essentials after breakfast." He said, techno and wilbur beaming at each other. Tommy sat, smiling, waiting.

The family began eating, talking about different subjects, and his smile faltered a little. He waited and waited but nothing. It was only when Phil asked why he wasn't eating did his smile really drop. He put it back up, convincing himself that Phil had merely forgotten to announce him.

"Dadza, I think you forgot something." Tommy said, and Phil raised and eyebrow. "Oh? What did I forget then?" He asked, lowering the hand holding his fork. "You know, The place I'm going to?" His voice was kind and reassuring. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention," he began, and the twins' faces dropped.

"Tommy, you are going to work with your mother!" He said, clapping his hands. Tommy's eyes widened, but he wasn't sure what to think of it. "Does that mean I can make friends my age?" He asked, and Phil laughed lightly. "Silly toms, your working with mother. do you see her around often?" Wilbur said snarkily, snarling at Tommy.

"Well, no but..." Tommy looked off to the side sadly. "Tommy, you'll either be with mum or doing jobs without mum, where do you think you'd have time to make a friend?" Techno asked, smiling before continuing to eat his food, Wilbur doing the same. "Techno is right Tommy, you won't be making friends. Your mother has put an outfit of her choosing for you, saying it'll tell you what job you'll do." Phil said.

After a few minutes of eating, Tommy asked, "will I need to pack anything?" And Phil shook his head. "nope, nothing." Tommy only nodded to show he understood before resuming eating.

Techno and wilbur ate the rest of their breakfast quickly, running to go pack their things. Once tommy was done, he began trudging to his room dejectedly. "Tommy, cheer up, you'll see your brothers again." Phil's voice rang through the living room from the kitchen, before he added, "you'll be leaving today, like the boys."

Tommy walked up the stairs, listening to his brothers' excited chattering,"what if they have an ice cream place-" Wilbur said, "-a potato farm!" Techno chirped. Sighing, Tommy walked to his room.

Opening the door, he saw a mannequin which showed off his...nurse uniform?

It was cool, sure, the belt had different things on it like biles and bottles full of stuff to inject people with, the syringes dotted around the belt carefully, and a massive syringe on the back. Hs shoes were roller skates and outfit was pretty standard.

His gloves were a mixture of red and white, the left side white with a red symbol on it, like how it would be on a first aid kit. The right side was like the left, but the colours were switched. His roller skates and entire outfit was coloured this way, making him look poggers.

A note was attached:'for my little helper'

Tommy quickly got it on, fixing the shirt and shorts. Looking on the mirror, he found himself smiling. There was a note on the mirror as well. 'Figured you'd look here, so here is what the largest Syringe on your back is for:protection, should you ever need it.' then, he heard Phil yell from downstairs, "boys!quickly now!"

Tommy brushed his hair and sorted his outfit more before rushing downstairs quickly (or as fast as you could go with roller skates on). His brothers were all dressed and ready, Phil beaming proudly at them. When they see Tommy, however, they start laughing. Apparently, he looks like an idiot.

Feeling mad, Tommy goes to grab the syringe on his back,"bet you can't even lift that-" Wilbur says, before laughing more. Tommy grabbed it, flipping it so it was in front of him, and aiming it at the two laughing loudly. Wilbur sees Tommy holding the syringe, and immediately stops laughing. Techno then notices as well, Phil too. "Shut the fuck up." Tommy says menacingly, brandishing the syringe at them.

"Okay, okay, we're sorry!" Wilbur says, raising his hands. Tommy smiles, quickly placing it back on his back.

"Well, I'm gonna go, see ya!" Tommy waved before making his way to the door. "Bye toms, be safe!" Wilbur calls after him. "Good luck Theseus." Techno says "farewell son!tell your mother I said hi!" And with that, Tommy left.

{A/N: I'm not ending the story here, I just wanted to clear some thing up:

•wilbur and techno are going to the SMP with Phil, they're getting a lift from dream himself.

•Tommy's whole nurse idea comes from dark deception, the idea is from the reaper nurses. I know they mean something completely different to what in portraying Tommy as, but I like the idea and I've changed it up.

I've still got another thousand or less words to write, so back to it ig}

Tommy had no idea where he was going, but began to skate away from the house.

{Time skip cause idk what to write}

Working with lady death, his mother, was fun but could be sad at times.

He'd been doing this job for around three or four years now, and around a year ago he and lady death had been moved to oversee the dream SMP. Tommy had been given a fully built hospital, so he could work on the dream SMP.

Today was the day he'd meet everyone, and he was nervous. He'd never done this before, he just worked!

Breathing in deeply, Tommy began to walk (more skate) toward the meeting point, in a place called l'manburg. He was to meet the president, who'd take him to meet everyone.

The president was wilbur's old friend, schlatt, who Tommy thought of as another older brother. "Schlatt, my brother!" He said, holding out his arms. schlatt turned, smiling pleasantly when he saw who it was. "Tommy? How are you here? Not that you're unwelcome or anything-" schlatt began, but Tommy cut him off with a chuckle.

"I'm here to meet everyone, I work in the hospital?" He said calmly, rasing an eyebrow at the last bit.


A/N: sorry but this is where in ending it, sorry.

I hope this was good though!


Word count:
1216 words!

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