Flowers And Thorns

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Third person POV:

George was,that was understatement.he was...he didn't know the word,okay?he just knew he was beyond sad.he was criticized for sleeping so much,yet the reason he did was to fool himself.fool himself that everything bad that went on,was going on,was just a nightmare.all in his head.yet,each time he woke up,he was reminded of the horrible truth.

He sighed,dipping his toes in the cold rushing water of the stream.he'd come here when he needed a break and think,though this only left him with more idea rang through his head,but he shut it down before he could dwell on it.he refused to see him,no way.he wasn't going to help,only ruin.but...maybe.fine,fuck it fine he'd do it.

Getting up and slipping his shoes back on,he began making his way out of the forest where he lived and to the he walked,his heart hurt remembering all the good times he had in the place that had now gone to hell.he left his mind drift for a little,but it was always stubborn and returned to him.maybe that's why he didn't believe he'd really gone bad.because he was stubborn,blinded by the long years of friendship he'd had with the man.

George must've sped up his pace,as he was at the prison in no time.'here we go,I guess...'he thought,and walked in.ringing the bell,he heard Sam's voice ring over the intercom."George,nice to see you.please step into the portal."Sam's voice cut out,and George did as asked.when he'd stepped out,it was swelteringly hot and he could swear he heard lava from somehwere,so he assumed he was somewhere in the nether."you may now enter"Sam's voice said again,and George was did an intercom work in hell??

Regardless,he stepped through the portal again and was in a different room.Sam stood menacingly by the reception area,and George gulped as he walked forward.the whole place was very quiet save for the occasional ominous sound and the soft pattering of George's shoes against the paused in front of Sam,who merely looked at him at motioned to a locker room with his head."go put your stuff in there.all of it.oh,and here's the key to it."Sam says,and passes George a key with the words 'locker room one' written on it.

George nodded,and moved over to the room.placing everything he had on him in the chests,which was just a sword,axe and shovel (what can he say,he lives in the forest.he doesn't carry much when he goes to the stream) he turns back to sam and speeds back over."good,now follow me."he says,and George nods.

~Skipping the whole process to get in because i'm lazy✨~

George stood in the cell,facing him."I'll let you out in half an hour,yell me if anything happens or you need me."Sam says,and the lava blankets the exit."George...?is that really you?"he asks,his tone sweet and refused to give in this time,not again."say you hate me,dream."he says,his voice stronger than he felt.saying the name felt weird,but like how harry was unafraid to say voldemort's name he'd be unafraid to say dream's.

"What?George,I don't-"he began to say,but George cut him off."tell me you hate me,dream!"he raised his voice,and dream looked hurt."...."no response from dream,and George was getting pissed off."you hurt not only me,but everyone claim you don't care about anyone but can't say you hate me?what kind of pathetic,manipulating,controlling asshole are you?"George spat out,his tone venemous."I came here for closure,for the truth,for you to say you hate me,and you can't even give me a reason as to why."

Dream looked so hurt it only served to break George's heart,but he refused to shatter."why?why did you leave me here with nothing?"he asked,his tone dripping acid it was so hurtful."you act like a judge,enforcing your personal grudge."dream reataliated,but couldn't truly battle George,who was seething."look at what you've done,you've brought upon disaster."George said,and Sam's voice rang through the lava."I'm going to let you out now,George."he said,and George nodded to himself.

"Is this still your justice you sought after?"he asked,before the lava began to truly sink,but not enough for Sam to see the pair,George hissed a "I hate you dream.i hate you because I still love you.i still care for you,and I hate it."dream looked to the ground,crying softly."please,just tell me you hate me.please"George asked,and sounded so broken it pained dream to know he couldn't fufill George's wish.

"I can't do that, know I can't."

"I hoped I was wrong.goodbye,dream.i love you."


And with that,George left,and dream was alone yet again.and so,that night,he cried.he cried because he realised how bad he fucked was too late to change the past,

And everyone was happier with him in prison,weren't they?

A/N:heyo!so I linked that song becaus I was listening to it as I wrote this and idk,some of the lyrics made me think of George and dream talking to each other in the prison and ugh my heart is gone-

Anyway,hope this chapter was good but I doubt it cause I suck at angst-

Reminder:this was platonic as I think platonic dnf is cool so yeah-


Word count:
964 words!

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