Siren Au + Pirate Au

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Third person POV:

The seas were stormy,the night black as ever as a storm shook and rumbled it's way through the sails of every docked ship,their masts creaking with the wind that howled as though in great pain.the rain lashed and crashed against all houses close to the docks,and the docks themselves were a sight for the worst.yet the real story wasn't on the surface,oh no.itbwas underneath that,in a small cave where a boy with glowing blue eyes sat,and watched the waves move lazily.his golden locks swaying with the current,his teeth razor sharp and ready to bite those who came to close and the talons on him were frightening enough that he was left undisturbed.

In human affairs did this siren rarely mingle,sticking to the ocean floors and impossibly deeper.yet he had to admit,some daring (or just drunk) men did sail the seas in this weather,though the young siren was smart.the siren knew the sea would eventually claim it's fill,calming until it roared with hunger once more.the siren laughed,high and cold,and waited for the storm to pause,as he would then hunt for food.

The storm calmed,the next morning sunny and now daring pirates three boarded the Clementine,their trusty ship.they had a debt to collect,and by God were they going to.they set out,and quickly found what they were looking for.

A small ship it was compared to the Clementine,and yet the captain of said ship threw a ladder down and climbed aboard the ugly thing anyway,quickly followed by his first mate and musician shipmate."our money,captain silverfish?"captain philza said,raising an eyebrow expectantly.captain silverfish was a fat man,unlike his crew mates who were skinny and not well cared for."ar,a-abou' that...we couldn't pay ye back,we ain't got no money"he said,and first mate technoblade readied to grab his sword."you don't have our money?"captain philza asked,and silverfish nodded.

"B-but!we have somethin' better,fetch it boys!"he said hurriedly,and his crew mates disappeared off,returning with a tank with a-"is that a siren...?"musician Wilbur asks quietly,disbelieving.tue siren seemed to be in good condition,apart from the fact he seemed very,very,sorry,not angry,livid.the razor sharp teeth snarling at the three gobsmacked pirates,claws clenched into fists,blue eyes locked in a gaze with one of them,unwavering stare cold yet murderous."yep,we did.feisty,'e is.tried ta' kill us."captain silverfish said,and patted the tank.a low gutteral growl was heard before a red and white tail hit the glass with force.

The young siren had taken to the seas for food,his red and white shit rustling behind him.there was more fish closer to the surface,and he was very hungry.swimming up,the soren grabbed as much food as he could.but then,a sharp pain in his side made him gasp,groaning as his blood spilled into the some-what clear water.blacking out,he wakes up in a tank.

"Calm down,ye fuckin' shit!"captain silverfish yelled,slamming his hand onto the galss in retaliation.this only made the siren growl more,but didn't hit the glass again."so,all debts repaid?"he asks,and turns to the three crew,looking just as livid as the siren."Wilbur,the tank."captain philza said,and Wilbur grabbed it."techno?"captain philza questioned,and techno answered immediately."already out."he said,smiling.phil nodded,and sighed."listen,we're taking the siren,but we still want that money you stole.if you don't have it in two weeks,your dead."phil said,and techno cut the captain's cheek deeply,making him yell in pain and jump back.

Techno helped Wilbur carry the tank onto the ship,placing it in the cargo bay(A/N:I don't know how ships work okay?)while Phil steered and techno made sure things were in order,Wilbur slipped down to where the siren swam,up and down,to the left and right,looking for the way out it seemed.once seeing Wilbur,however,his peaceful and calm demeanor turned into that of irritance.growling,he watched as Wilbur sat opposite,take out his guitar and sing,strumming a tune as he sang.

The siren began to sang along,tue man's melodious voice like his own,enchanting yet not enough,like there was more.once the song finished,however,the siren returned to be as he was before-defensive,snarling,and angry.wilbur sighed,and shook his head.standing,he approached the stairs back up where he cast a glance at the siren in the tank and said "see you,little siren" before leaving.

The siren returned to what he was doing,and soon enough,the ship was being docked and it was sunset.all the sirens attempts for escape were futile,and gave into sleep.

There was always tomorrow.


A/N:I hope you enjoyed this!I'm tired and either going to stay up really late or go to bed soon,I don't know i'm just tired.

I wanted to say I was inspired by a fanfic I read,but I didn't have it in my library and I can't find it.i will keep looking,as I liked it and it gave me a huge inspo spike.whem I find it,i'll put it here.

Anyway,I hope you enjoyed,and if others really like this idea,I'll make it its own separate book!

Bye!(I'm gonna go hunt for it now)

{Edit:I just found it,it's titled 'mershark tommyinnit au' and it's by 'storm_cloud_yt'.please please please please go check it out,I find the idea really cool.alright,that's all}

{Edit two:I'm sorry if I don't respond for ages,that's not me purposefully ignoring people that just because I'm's 12:24 am for me.just a question,but how many people live in Britain and read me?idk,I'm tired and not thinking normally}

Word count:
1001 words!

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