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{TW:swearing,mentions of death and violence}

Tommy was an Ender dragon hybrid.he knew he was hunted,so he hid his features.then,he joins the dream SMP,where travelling to the end is banned,and Tommy thinks he could finally be safe.after all,there were more hybrids like him there!but then he realised that Ender dragons were valuable,and hybrids more so.

They could be used for dragon breath,among other things.and even though the end was banned,killing the hybrids wasn't.so,Tommy ept hiding his features.he wasn't about to get killed.

Spoiler alert,he gets killed.but not because he was found to be an Ender dragon hybrid,but to prove a point.a fucking point!Tommy's more scared than he ever has been,the threat of being discovered always low,but never zero.the only logical thing for Tommy to do was hide it.he'd never told anyone,and he never planned to.

And then he gets revived(I mean,of course he would,why wouldn't he?),and things go downhill from there.ghostbur,his highly optimistic friend who was the ghost of his dead brother,wilbur soot,dies(Tommy didn't know how someone already dead could die,but it was still sadening)and wilbur soot is revived.

And here Tommy is now,cowering in his room and desperately trying to hide himself from the world outside this room,shaking and trying not to alert anyone from out there where he was hiding.he couldn't let anyone know,he couldn't,he didn't want to die.

And then,Tommy remembered something.amidst his panic,he looked up.ranboo.ranboo couldn't kill endermen,let alone be able to kill him.tommy snatched his communicator,quickly messaging ranboo.he could help,he was sure of it.

You whisper to ranboo:ranboo hurry.
You whisper to ranboo:come to my house ASAP.
Ranboo whispers to you:what's wrong?
Ranboo whispers to you:are you ok?
You whisper to ranboo:I'll explain when you get here,hurry up bitch!

Tommy sat,smiling widely,and dried his eyes.then,a knock.tommy had to check,so he picked up his communicator and messaged.he wasn't about to let any random person in and see his hard-kept secret!

You whisper to ranboo:are you here yet?
Ranboo whispers to you:yeah,I just knocked.

Tommy got up,opening his bedroom door and letting ranboo in."so..you needed to speak with me?"he said,his tail flicking back and forth nervously."yeah,I did.and its only because you're the only one who is trustable with this."Tommy said,and sighed."please...don't scream about it.."Tommy said.tommy let the natural features appear,and make him truly look like an Ender dragon."I promise"was the last thing Tommy heard from ranboo before silence.then-

"You're an ender dragon hybrid?!"

Tommy was going to have a very long day.


A/N:heyo!this was requested by Luner_wolf12,as was the previous oneshot,Racooninnit.i hope you enjoyed this part,and I will be working on the second part to the dreamon Tommy au.

Please take care of yourself,have a great day/night if you haven't already,and I will see you next upload!

Word count:
520 words!

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