Techno's Son Au

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{Tw:swearing,mention of death}

Third person POV:

Tommy was running through the snow,techno following close behind.tommy had lost count of how long he'd been there,as he'd spent so much time with his dad he hardly cared.tommy tripped,rolling before sitting in the snow,spitting out snow he ate accidentally because he was laughing.techno ran up,scooping him up and taking him home.they had hot chocolate in front of the fire,sitting in comfortable silence until Tommy broke it.

"Dad...can I know more about mum?"he asked,and saw techno tense."sure,what do you wanna know?"he asked,And Tommy looked into the fire."well,what was her favourite food?"he asked,and techno calmed."her favourite food was chicken,she said it always tasted great."he said,and Tommy nodded."what was her name,and how did you two meet?"he asked,and techno chuckled."you wanna know that boring story of us meeting,my little hero?"he asked,chuckling when Tommy let out a sound of mock offence.

"First,I am not little,second,yes or I wouldn't have asked bitch!"he said,and techno only laughed more.tommy dropped the facade of being angry and laughed along with now,the world outside the hut had begun to darken,but both were snug and happy to ignore the real world for a little longer,just a little.techno stopped,and sighed."her name was amethyst,and she was as strong and stubborn as you are."he said,and looked away from Tommy,remenicing.


It was a warm summer day,and technoblade was out in the forest at his secret spot.eleven year old technoblade would always come here during summers or free time,as it gave him a way of was his secret spot.then,he heard a twig snap.he jumped a little,but soon relaxed was merely an animal,whom he'd grown accustomed to seeing here after a while.

But then,a soft female voice spoke up from behind him."excuse me?"she asked politely,and techno turned around.the girl had soft blonde hair,small tusks and ears that twitched as she waited for him to speak."hullo."he said,and hopped off of the rock he'd been sat on."I'm sorry if I intruded,it's just I found this place a few days ago and I like it here for theoeace and quiet,I can-"she began,but techno chuckled."please,'s fine,I don't mind.i come here for the leave and quiet too."he said,and the girl beamed.

"How old are you?"he asked,and she smiled wider."i'm eleven,you?"her voice was soft and melodic,techno could feel his heart beat quicker slightly."also eleven."he said,and after a few moments he realised he'd begun staring at her."I apologise,where are my manners?"he said,before taking her hand and kneeling in front of her."technoblade,pleasure to meet you ma'am."he kissed the back of her palm gently before standing up,and the girl took her hand back,blushing."such a gentleman..."she said wistfully.she seemed to come back to her senses and curtseying."amethyst darkmoon,pleasure to meet you sir."

The two beamed at each other through rosy cheeks and erratic pulse from newly developed feelings.

~End of Flashback~

"Wow,was that really how you and mum met?!"Tommy asked,eyes wide and was then techno realised he'd said all that out loud."yes,that was how we met."techno said,and Tommy positively beamed."you remind me so much of her..."he said fondly,and Tommy's smile calmed to a simple smile."here,I have letters from her.would you-"he began to ask,but Tommy yelled out a "fuck yes!" Before he could finish.

{A/N:my phone is on like four percent and I've been writing for like half an hour and yet my Hand's not tired how?}

Techno gave him a stack of letters and let him open the envelope of the first one."I'll be busy downstairs for a little,are you okay up here?"he asked,and Tommy nodded.techno left,and Tommy sat in an armchair,reading the first letter.

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