First Time Flirting Since 1943

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This songs just gives the vibe of when they are working on the boat


"Sarah, I'm sorry but I think I agree with you and Sam," you told the lady in front of you.

Sarah sighed and looked down at the paper. "I know, I know but we can't sell it. It's far to important to us."

Sarah Wilson. Life long friend of yours, trying to decide if she could keep the boat or not that has been in her family for years. The bank couldn't give the Wilson's a loan and now it's either sell for the money or keep for the memories. You supported both Sam and Sarah, saying that they should do the best they could but in the end, selling might be the best thing to do, even if you grew up on this boat along side them.

You placed the dish that were drying on the table, a confused look gracing your features. "Wait, I thought you wanted to sell it."

Sarah sighed and stated speaking. "Yeah but-" She was cut off by her phone ringing. Sam's name and photo lighting up the screen. Sarah answered and didn't even get a word out until she placed the phone back down.

"Sam's coming home."

You watched as a truck pulled into the driveway, announcing that Sam was back. You got Sarah and the boy's attention as they pulled in. "Sarah! Boys! He's back!"

The boys jumped up and ran outside, running up to their uncle who was getting out of the car.

You and Sarah followed them out, smiles on your faces. The two of you reached the three boys, Sam pulling the two of you into a hug.

Sam let go and you stood back, letting the Wilsons reunite after the scares. Sam turned to you to speak. "Hey thanks for helping out, Y/N. It been a huge help."

You grinned and nodded. "Anything for you guys." Sam rubbed his hands together and nodded.

"Now...let's get to work."


You and Sam walked on the docks, monitoring the work and seeing if anyone needed any help. Many, many people came to help you five, giving back to the Wilsons after many years of their help.

The two of you walked up to some old friends, Carlos and Tommy. They were trying to unload the new engine they brought for the boat. "Tommy, Carlos, man, this is amazing," Sam praised, in awe of the engine in front of them. "Thanks so much, man."

Carlos sat down a jug of fuel and nodded. "Hey look, word goes out the Wilson family needs help?"

"Yes sir." Said Tommy, still unloading parts. Well, the parts he could lift.

"We still got a bit of usefulness in the US." You spoke, examining the engine.

Carlos looked back at the piece of machinery you were studying. "How do we get it off the truck?" All of a sudden, if was lifted up, leaving your vision. You formed a puzzled expression, your eyes following who, or what, was lifting the hundred's of pounds engine off of the truck bed.

Whatever was lifting the engine placed it on the ground like it was a pillow. "You're welcome," They said, brushing off their hands on their jacket. They turned out to be a man. When he turned around, you recognized him to be Bucky Barnes. Or, the Winter Solder, as the media liked to call him. You've heard a few things from Sam about him, almost always consisting of, "That metal-armed pain in the ass."

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