Shout Outs

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Okay so I wanna do a shout out(s) real quick so yeah

SebbyBuckyBarnes - I love your works so much and they have so much detail and attention and you inspired me to write my own. Your talent is outstanding

Kaila_Falcon - I love your Spotify works and your Wattpad works so much. You are so flipping talented my friend

Romancer321 - Thank you so much for the support and ideas, you've helped a lot on getting this "book" going. Thank you so much

MissSmims1229 - You have supported me so so much, your comments making me feel like someone actually reads my stories. Thank you so so much

ImAKAMarvelNerd Thank you, just thank you for the votes and support. I love your profile picture and background picture btw

Thank you Bucky Barnes, who I love even if you're not even real and WAY older than me, and the reason for this "book"

And to all my followers and readers. I love you guys so much. Thank you  so much for the support and reading this crap of a book, even if at this time I only have 800 reads, which is NOT a lot compared to the two lovely writers above, 20 followers, and other stuff.

Thank you so much, I love you all.

Very sorry for the "sappy" thank you but I wanted to address it. Anyway, enjoy the next dumpster fires of OneShots and idk what else so adios

James Barnes OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now