Tell Me You Remember Me - Part 2

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Bucky's POV

"Who are you?"

Bucky felt his heart shatter, his world implode, and his hatred towards Hydra multiply in an instant. He sat there on the cold, damp and disgusting concrete floor, holding you in his arms. But you were the farthest you've ever been from him.

Bucky felt the tears fall, he felt the sob rise in his throat, and he felt the worst pain he's ever felt in his entire over-extended life. More painful than any torture. The fall. The kills. The nightmares and relapses. This outweighed them all. The former Winter Soldier scooped you up in his arms and mustered up a 'trust me' as he walked back to the rest of the team. Wanda was first to reach them, her relieved expression falling to a confused one when she saw Bucky's tears.

"What's wrong?" She asked, the rest of the team turning to the man.

Bucky closed his eyes and swallowed, looking at your now passed-out body. "They wiped her. Just like they did to me. And probably for much longer of a time. She doesn't remember anything, and she's passed out," he said, his voice and expression crying out in complete defeat and depression. But there was a fire in his eyes, a burning desire to destroy this very organization at any cost. Bucky looked up at the team, all standing solemnly and letting the heartbroken man take charge. "Y/N has had no food, or decent food if they gave her anything, for more than a month. And her injuries are extensive and severe. Is the medical team ready?"

"Yeah, they are good to go," Steve said, placing his shield on his back.

"Good," Bucky practically growled, striding in the direction of the Quinjet. Before long he reached it, walking up the back ramp and to the medical stretcher. Bucky laid you down carefully as he quickly explained what had happened, and stood at the top of the stretcher, grabbing your hand with his good one.

"Please, come back to me, Y/N," he whispered, leaning down and raising your hand up, pressing a kiss on your knuckles. "Please..."


"Who are you?"

The words have been ringing in Bucky's ears for the past week, the last thing he ever heard from you. You've been unconscious for almost 10 days now, whatever Hydra did to you still running its course. He remembers watching your body being dragged out of your apartment, how he watched completely helpless, not able do to one thing to help you.

And now you have been traumatized and given the lovely gift of PTSD. All because he couldn't help you.

"Who are you?"

And now you have been through only a fraction of what Bucky had to go through for 70 years, the pain and loneliness and the hunger and the fear. But still permanently affected by it.

"Who are you?"

And now you were stripped from all of your memories. Of your family, friends, Bucky, of yourself.

All because he wasn't strong enough.

Quick enough.

Though enough.

Because he wasn't enough.

"Who are you?"

Bucky's hand grabbed the neck of a vase from the table next to him, throwing it at the wall. He watched the pieces shatter to the floor, the wall become damp and y/f/f flutter to the floor.


That was one of your favorite vases here.

Bucky sighed and slammed a hand against the wall, a dent forming in the spot.

Another sigh.

Which turned into a cry.

A sob.

Falling to his knees, screaming out, begging for it all to be some horrible nightmare. He would wake up right next to you, pull you into his arms, pull you close and take in your scent, feel you again.

But this was no nightmare.


It was a living hell.

Bucky sat there in the spare bedroom saved for you and Bucky in the Residential Area of the Headquarters, on his knees, crying out to you. There was nothing he could do, absolutely nothing that he could do to protect you, comfort you, care for you. All he could do for you, was cry.

The blue sky had turned pitch black, not a cloud nor star shining down, when a knock sounded on the door frame. Bucky had not left his spot, the tears long ended, but still waiting to be shed. "Go away," Bucky croaked, his throat aching from the simple phrase.

"Buck, I thought you would like to know, Y/N's awake." Bucky turned around and found Steve standing in the doorway, concern all over his face. The brunet stood up and trudged over, wiping his face with his flesh hand. He nodded, head down. Steve took a breath but stopped, thinking his next words wisely. "And she's asking for you."

Bucky's face shot up, a glimmer of hope and disbelief in his blue eyes. "She is?" Steve barely got a full nod before Bucky was shoving him aside and barreling down the halls, finally reaching the med bay. Peering into the large window, Bucky saw your very much alive form looking around the room, a plate of untouched food on the table next to you.

Bucky threw open the door and b-lined for you, falling to his knees by your side. You turned your attention towards the man, an expressionless look on your face. Bucky took your hand in his metal one, bringing his good one to brush piece of hair from your face, cupping your cheek.

"Y/N?" he whispered, hope written all over. "Please tell me you remember me."

You smiled and brought your other hand up to your face, placing it gently atop of his. "I do, James. I remember you."

Bucky broke into a teary grin and attacked your face with a passionate yet gentle kiss, the ends of his unkempt hair tickling your face. The man broke away and just looked at you, his eyes alight with a new light. One composed of relief and hope and bliss and comfort. You smiled and took you hand on top of his to cup his own face, feeling the scratchy beard below.

"Bucky? Have you not been taking care of yourself? You look like you haven't shaved in ages and your hair's longer and matted and there's bags under your eyes and-" You stopped yourself from talking anymore, admiring the shine of Bucky's eyes, the broken becoming whole. "Oh Jay, I'm so sorry...You know what..."

You kept your hands where they were as you scooted over, mindful of the I.V. and heart monitor on your hand. "Lay down. We both need rest, and frankly, I sleep better with you."

Bucky gave no protest, bringing back his hands as he laid his worn-out body next to your healing one, wrapping his arms around your body carefully and protectively, holding you close, so happy to have this feeling back. You wrapped your arms around Bucky's neck, snuggling your head in the crook of it. Bucky placed a gentle kiss to your forehead, mumbling something there you couldn't hear.

"I love you, James, more than anything."

"I love you too, моя любовь. Rest well. I'll be right here when you wake. Just like always."

She had remembered him.



моя любовь - my love

Hope this was good, it's like 12:30 am and I have school tomorrow. Help :)

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