Similarities and Differences - Part 1

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Based off of above, more or less.


Kinda follows the timeline but not really. After Civil War, somehow Tony managed to partially forgive Bucky and he is now at Avengers Compound.

I feel like this was a dumpster fire and I may rewrite it but oh well.


You sat in your room, leaned back on your headboard and legs stretched out, flipping through TV channels when a knock sounded on your door. "Yeah?" you called, shutting off the TV.

Peter popped his head behind the door and smiled. "Y/N, uh, Mr. Captain Rogers said that he needs you in the conference room. There's someone he would like to introduce you to." You stood up and nodded. You pulled on a light jacket and followed Peter out the door and down the hall. You walked into the meeting room, finding Steve quietly talking to a tall brunet.  "Hello?" You questioned, walking into the glass room. Steve turned towards you and smiled.

"Hey, Y/N," Steve said, turning back to the man. He spoke a few words and walked over to you, leading out of the room and closed the door.

You put your hands in your pockets and looked up at the super soldier. "What's up, Steve?"

Steve looked at you and then at the man who stood awkwardly in the conference room. "I'd like to introduce you to someone. He's a friend of mine from when I was a kid, and he fought along side me in the war. His name is James Barnes, but he went by Bucky more often than not. He's been through some pretty nasty stuff these past 70-ish years, and he needs a lot of help. I don't really want to get into details here but I'll give you his file. It was hard enough getting Tony to let him stay here, and he doesn't need anymore hate than he already has. You might know him as the Winter Soldier?"

Your eyes widened slightly at the man's words. The Winter Solder, the ghost story, (that had been a hot topic on the news for a while) was here and not only that, he was a friend of Steve's from the 40's. You always thought the 1920's-1940's were such a cool time, from the music to the culture to the clothes right down to the people. Men were gentlemen and women were ladies. Sure, they were also bad times with Spanish flu, WWI and WWII, Great Depression, etc, etc. But over all, it was a pretty interesting time period.

"So...the Winter Soldier will be here? In the tower?" Steve's face fell, but you quickly tried to fix your mistake. "No no no that's not what I meant! I think it's cool, really cool. I know Peter will think it's awesome. I just hope everyone accepts him, ya know?"

"I do too," Steve sighed. "His Winter Soldier days are over and he needs as much help as he can get," Steve paused and nodded his head towards the man. "And is it okay if I told him about your service? With your accident and everything?" You inhaled sharply and looked at the man through the glass and back at Steve.

"Just the surface. I'll tell him about the rest." Steve nodded and opened the door to the room and you walked in, finally getting a look at the Bucky Barnes.

He had shoulder-length brunet hair that was capped with a ball cap, light stubble dusting his face, and piercing blue eyes. From what you could see, his face was very, very well structured, even if it portrayed bruises and scars and scrapes. You continued taking in his appearance, noticing he wore like three layers of clothes including leather the middle of summer. But by assuming his body language and how he kept himself closed off, he had his own reasons that you could tell he did NOT want to discuss. And, Steve just told you about that. Yet after the government learned the whole truth from Steve and manged to work something out and give him a pardon, Bucky was still scared to truly be out and about. And you couldn't blame him.

You waved and smiled warmly at the man who just gave a curt nod. You looked at Steve, who looked between the two of you. He cleared his throat and began speaking. "Y/N, I'd like you to meet Bucky. Buck, this is Y/N. She served 2 tours Afghanistan with Sam, and has some pretty neat stories from over there."

Bucky looked up at you and you nodded, taking your hands out of your pockets and sliding off your jacket. If I'm going to help him, might as well start with something we have in common, you thought. Having something in common is key.

Your left arm was normal. The y/s/c flesh arm you were born with. Your right arm, on the other hand, was a black and silver prosthetic arm, that went all the way up to your shoulder. Bucky's eyes widened slightly at the metal, and he slowly pulled his left glove off, revealing a metal arm almost identical to yours, but gold lines instead of silver.

Steve smiled, pride swelling within him at Bucky's actions, at how he was comfortable with showing his prosthetic and making a connection with someone.

"Beautiful, isn't it? Stark fixed it up for me, one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Almost no bugs. But, it has fallen off once or twice," you explained, opening and closing your hand a couple of times.

Bucky just nodded and smiled, taking off his cap and tossing it onto the table. "What's the story?" He said, his voice coming out rough and cautious, as if he didn't want to go too far.

"The reason I have the arm or why it fell off?"


"Well, sit down, Buckaroo 'cause you got a story to hear." Bucky smiled again and the two of you sat down in the office chairs next to one another with space between. "Well, first, I got here after my service with Sam. We both started working at the VA, which has really, really, helped me be able to talk about this. I hope you will give it a shot sometime. Anyway, I lost it in combat, obviously. But I'll explain that in a minute. I met Steve while on a run with Sam and then landed a job as an Avenger. Don't know how but I ain't complaining," Bucky smiled as you laughed at yourself, but secretly your heart swelled. You weren't falling for him. No, definitely not as you just met him. No you were just proud at your progress. Yeah that was it.

"Now how I lost it," you began, leaning back in your chair and arms resting in your lap. "I was on a patrol in Afghanistan with my team. Me, the non-commissioned officer, and Oliver, June, and Jeremy." You paused for a moment, choosing your next words carefully. You looked down at your lap, your fingers intertwined together, flesh against metal. "The mission went south, a missile came at us, undetected by radar and hit square on our Humvee. I blacked out as soon as it hit and I woke up in a hospital in D.C. four days later with the crappiest prosthetic arm compared to this one. I left the Air Force and, like I said, landed a job here and, Tony made me this arm." You lifted up your arm and motioned to it, and placed it back on your lap. "I'm very thankful for this team. I know you'll fit in just fine, and give them time. They'll love you."

Bucky smiled and looked out of the room. He turned back to you as you continued. "Anyway, how it fell off was that Sam found me passed out after a mission on the couch and decided to try and rewire the wires in 'Coal', yes I gave my arm a name-don't look at me like that-and set it so if I picked anything up it would fall off. I have absolutely no idea how he managed that one, but I'm guessing he bribed Peter. I woke and went to the kitchen, grabbing a drink of water. I used my metal arm to take a drink and BAM! Arm falls, glass breaks and water spills."

Bucky nodded and gave a small smile. He turned to  looked to his left towards Steve, only to find him gone. He left as you were talking, sneaking away and proud of Bucky being more comfortable than normal around new people. In the span of 15 minutes, Bucky was comfortable enough with you to remove his gloves, hat, and even make eye contact with you and crack a smile.

The two of you traded stories, both equally surprised at how the other wanted to hear their stories. You felt awful for what happened to him, and Bucky was so surprised on how you weren't scared of him or anything while listening to his stories. Bucky was surprised at him self, at how he was so open, so soon. Maybe it was your kind and easy-going personality. Maybe it was how you seemed to genuinely care about him. Or maybe it was the new and different feeling that swelled in his chest. Something he hasn't felt in decades. Maybe even ever. Whatever it was, he knew it would turn out something good.

Who new similarities and differences could be the start of something new?


I hate this ending. Not my favorite

Part 2 out soon

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