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Hope this was good, i wrote it in the car. Based off of daydream of mine.

Short and sweet, 664 words



"Oh shit."

"Your wife's gonna kill you, man."

"Shut up, I know. She's almost home. This is NOT a good influence for the boys."

"Well I'm not the one that dived over a dining room table and smashed a big-ass dent in the wall! So if anything, you're the bad influence."

"You threw it!"

"You dived for it!"


Their bickering was silenced by the sound of the front door opening. Bucky and Sam froze, turning towards the noise.

"Jay? We're home!" You called, opening the door wider and leading your two boys into the living room. Your back stayed to the dining room as the 5 and 6 year old ran off to their rooms.

"I have had one heck of a day, how's yours been..." You trailed off as you turned around, finding a deep dent the size of Bucky's back smack dab in the middle of the dining room wall, and two scared men on either side. Sam Wilson and James Barnes. Your best friend and your husband.

You dropped your bag and walked over, mouth no doubt agape. You looked at the wall and blinked quickly a few times, closing your mouth.

"What happened? And don't beat around the bush, just tell me," you said firmly, hands on your hips and looking between the two towering figures above you.

Sam cleared his throat and took a tiny step forward, looking at Bucky and then you. "Bucky and I were bored, right? And I saw Nolan's football in the corner, so I grabbed it and tossed it to Bucky. Things escalated and we tried to see who could snag the riskiest catch, and well, your husband's horrible at this game, Y/N," Sam said quickly waving his hands as he explained. Your angered expression did not change at all, eyes flicking between Bucky and Sam.

"Why didn't you go throw it outside?" You sighed heavily, looking back at the wall. "And why are you here anyway, Sam?"

The Falcon shrugged, eyeing the football they were previously playing with. "Pfft I don't know,  I thought the skilled super soldier could catch a damn football. And I thought I would drop by and say hi. Nolan! Catch!"

"No! Absolutely not!" You roared, turning around and finding your oldest son standing in the living room, waiting to catch the ball. "Sam, go take the boys to the park while I try to get someone to fix this. James, you're staying here."

Sam walked off with a little pep in his step, calling both boys to the door. You looked down at the ground, catching Sam smirk at Bucky and doing a celebratory dance.

"I'm not done with you, Wilson."

Turning back to your husband who looked down at the ground, you walked over to him and outstretched your arms. Bucky just looked at them, not quite knowing what you wanted. With a playful roll of your eyes, you made grabby-hands like a child and Bucky slid into your arms, wrapping his around your smaller body.

"Are you mad?" He mumbled into your hair, rubbing a hand up and down your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and nodded your head.

"Yeah, I am. But mostly at Sam because it's mostly his fault so he's paying for most of the damages," you sighed, turning your face and pecking Bucky's cheek. "Damn you made a mess."

Bucky turned around and let out a worried laugh. "Sorry about the wreck, doll. I'll get it fixed."

You hummed in reply as Bucky started swaying slightly back and forth. You rested your head on his chest and listen to your lover's heartbeat, feeling the hum of a little tune rumble from his strong chest. "It's okay, Jay. Don't do it again."

"You got it, моя любовь."



моя любовь - My love

I know I know part two of the blip series will be posted soon! I'm sorry!
Tbh part 2 ain't that good

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