Wait for me, daddy -Part 2

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Part 2

Words: 1098

Bucky woke up very early, his nerves awaking him. He looked at the clock in the bedroom and frowned. 5:07 am. He would be leaving home in 2 hours. Bucky turned away from the clock and back to your sleeping form in his arms. Oh how he would miss this.

Bucky gazed lovingly and longingly at you, soaking in these last moments. The way your hair fanned out as you slept beside him, the way your lips slightly parted and just how perfect you looked, no matter what.

Sure, it may be a bit creepy to stare at someone sleeping, but Bucky didn't dwell on that thought too much. Bucky painted your face into his mind, never letting himself forget it. He would never wake up to this for a long, long, time. He was being forced away from you. His love, his light, his doll, his girl. He couldn't imagine what it was going to be like for the two of you. And Liam.

Oh Liam, that little troublemaker. Bucky's heart cried out for the two of you, begging to stay. Fake an accident or something so he could stay. Bucky couldn't bear to leave Liam behind, he was going to miss so much. Life is never fair, is it?

Bucky felt you shift in his grasp, and your beautiful e/c eyes opened and looked up at him. Bucky smiled, knowing today was the last day he would see them for a very long time.

You looked up at Bucky, who smiled down at you. Your grip around him tightened and you pulled him closer, gazing into his ocean blue eyes that you would not see again for a long time. You soaked in this moment, for you would not wake up like this for a very long time. Your eyes watered at the thought, and you were quick to blink the tears away.

"I love you, Y/N Barnes," Bucky whispered, pressing his lips onto yours.

"I love you too, James Barnes," you murmured against his lips. You pulled away after a moment and hugged him closer, breathing in his scent and engraving this moment into your memory.

Footsteps sounded down the hall and into your room, and the bed sank towards you feet and Liam's head popped up at the foot of the bed. He grinned and crawled towards the two of you, to which you both opened your arms to him.

Bucky wrapped his arms around the two of you, forcing his mind to have this engraved into his memory forever, and to never dissolve.

The three of you laid there, not saying a word until you had to get up to not miss the train. As much as that idea seemed like a good one, the government would not be happy.

You all got ready, Bucky helping Liam and placing his uniform cap upon his son's head. Bucky's dog tags that came in the mail with the letter reflected the light, and you remembered what he told you the night before.

Bucky picked his dog tags up off of the kitchen counter and showed them to you. Two, small, metal plates with Bucky's information were on the chain, along with a gold band. His wedding ring.

Bucky put the tags around his neck, and the ring settled on his chest, right over his heart.

"So you're always with me," he murmured. He also had a small compass in his left breast pocket, which held a picture of all three of you, smiling and laughing together.

You pulled your coat on over your dress and the three of you left your apartment, not talking much. Bucky walked between you and Liam, holding both of your hands. You carried Bucky's things and Liam hopped along, the happiest among the three of you, even if it was only slightly more.

After what seemed like 5 seconds, the train station came into view, and you felt Bucky tense next to you. You squeezed his hand and kept going, even if your heart begged you to turn around and run away with your family.

You reached the station, grabbed Bucky's tickets and loaded his suitcase. Multiple families crowded the station, all saying goodbye to loved ones. You managed to find an empty spot and dragged your family over. Liam still had Bucky's hat on his head, and Bucky crouched down to eye level with his 3 year old son, and smiled. He opened his arms and Liam ran into them, Bucky holding him close. You watched as tears formed in Bucky's eyes as he let Liam go, and stood up. Bucky didn't even have to open his arms and you were already tuning into them, holding him close.

Bucky hugged you impossibly close, and a few tears escaped both of your eyes. Liam hugged Bucky's leg, and he scooped him up, hugging the two of you. Bucky pulled away and kissed Liam's forehead and then kissed your lips, which you gladly returned. Bucky pulled away and Liam took off Bucky's hat and placed it on his father's head, adjusting it to look correct.

Bucky nodded and sat Liam down as a man yelled out, "107th! All aboard!" Bucky looked at you as you grabbed Liam's hand, and you placed a kiss on Bucky's cheek. He didn't even bother to wipe away the lipstick mark.

Bucky headed towards the train, and you picked Liam up, carrying him on your hip. You ran after Bucky towards the train. Bucky hopped on the steps of the train and turned to see you running towards him. You reached your hand out and he grabbed it. The train whistle blew.

"Goodbye doll," Bucky said, tears in his eyes.

"I love you," you replied.

"I love you too." The train started moving, you walked to keep up, Liam also reaching out for him.

"Wait for me, daddy! Don't go!" He cried, trying to jump out of your arm, finally realizing what was happening. But you held him close. You and Bucky's tears both grew heavy and started to fall. Now you were running. The end of the platform was coming near.

You reached the end of the platform and let go of you husband's hand, and Liam wrapped his arms around your neck, tears shining in his eyes.

"Don't leave, Papa," he whispered. You waved at Bucky who was still on the steps, and he waved back. The train went around the bend and then, he was gone. Away from his wife and son, away from you.

Should I do a Part 3???

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